
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsCompositeFormulaTerm interface contains properties and methods of a composite term.

Inheritance Hierarchy




  Property name Brief description
AggregationAttrKey The AggregationAttrKey property determines the attribute key, by values of which composite term aggregation is calculated.
AggregationGroup The AggregationGroup property determines the selection group, by which composite term aggregation is calculated.
ApplyMissingData The ApplyMissingData property determines whether a missing data treatment method is applied to term values.
CustomOptions The CustomOptions property returns advanced parameters of a composite term.
Expression The Expression property returns the object, which enables the user to set up a formula, based on which composite term value is calculated.
ExpressionText The ExpressionText property returns text of the formula, based on which composite term value is calculated.
FormatExpressionText The FormatExpressionText property returns the name of a composite term in the specified format.
InversedExpressionText The InversedExpressionText property returns text of the formula, based on which composite term value is calculated taking into account term transformations.
InversionInfo The InversionInfo property returns parameters of the initial transformation applied to a term.
MissingData The MissingData property returns parameters of missing data treatment method in composite term values.
Operands The Operands property returns the collection of terms included into this composite term.
Serie The Serie property returns the array of term values calculated with transformations.
UnitInfo The UnitInfo property returns information about term measurement units.

Properties inherited from ITsCompositeFormulaTerm

  Property name Brief description


The Included property determines whether the composite element is used to calculate expression.


  Method name Brief description


The ChangeLag method changes lag value.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces