
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsCalculationChainEntries interface is used to work with the collection of elements, which make up calculation chain of metamodel.

Inheritance Hierarchy



A calculation chain may contain the following elements:

Calculation chain element The IMsCalculationChainEntries method for adding element to the chain Interface for working with element
Model AddModel IMsCalculationChainModel
Internal model. AddExclusiveModel IMsCalculationChainModel
Metamodel AddMetaModel IMsCalculationChainMetaModel
Folder AddFolder IMsCalculationChainFolder
Condition AddBranch IMsCalculationChainBranch
Cycle AddIterator IMsCalculationChainIterator
Criterion problem AddTargetProblem IMsCalculationChainTarget
Criterion function trajectory AddTargetTrajectory IMsCalculationChainTargetTrajectory
Criterion function constraint AddTargetConstraint IMsCalculationChainTargetConstraint
Equation system - IMsCalculationChainSystem
Variable - IMsCalculationChainVariable
Multidimensional iterator AddMultiDimIterator IMsCalculationChainMultiDimIterator
Custom optimization problem AddUserOptimizationProblem IMsCalculationChainUserOptimization
Custom optimization problem parameters. AddUserOptimizationConstraint IMsCalculationChainUserOptimizationConstraint


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of elements contained in this subdirectory of calculation chain.
Item The Item property returns the element of calculation chain.
ParentEntry The ParentEntry property returns parent element of the subdirectory in calculation chain.


  Method name Brief description
AddBranch The AddBranch method adds a condition to calculation chain of metamodel.
AddExclusiveModel The AddExclusiveModel method adds an internal model to calculation chain of metamodel.
AddFolder The AddFolder method adds a folder to calculation chain of metamodel.
AddIterator The AddIterator method adds a cycle to calculation chain of metamodel.
AddMetaModel The AddMetaModel method adds a metamodel to calculation chain of metamodel.
AddModel The AddModel method adds a model to calculation chain of metamodel.
AddMultiDimIterator The AddMultiDimIterator method adds to calculation chain multidimensional iterator.
AddTargetConstraint The AddTargetConstraint method adds to calculation chain a constraint to the specified criterion function.
AddTargetProblem The AddTargetProblem method adds a criterion function to calculation chain of metamodel.
AddTargetTrajectory The AddTargetTrajectory method adds a trajectory to the specified criterion function.
AddUserOptimizationConstraint The AddUserOptimizationConstraint method adds a custom optimization problem constraint to the calculation chain.
AddUserOptimizationProblem The AddUserOptimizationProblem method adds a custom optimization problem to calculation chain.
ArrangeModels The ArrangeModels method automatically arranges calculation chain of models by specified parameters according to dependences between variables.
Clear The Clear method clears calculation chain of metamodel.
FindByCoord The FindByCoord method searches for calculation chain elements using the specified data source point.
FindById The FindById method searches for element of calculation chain by identifier.
FindByKey The FindByKey method searches for element of calculation chain by key.
IndexOf The IndexOf method returns the index of element of calculation chain.
MoveTo The MoveTo method moves the element of calculation chain to the specified position.
Remove The RemoveByKey method removes the element of calculation chain by index.
RemoveByKey The RemoveByKey method removes the element of calculation chain by key.
Visit The Visit method executes custom handlers for all calculation chain elements.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces