
Assembly: Ms;


The IValidationCrossDatabaseMappings interface is used to work with the collection of bindings set for dimensions of mapped data.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Dimension binding of mapped data sources is used in the Comparing with Time Series Database validation. The IValidationCrossDatabase.Mappings property returns the collection of validation bindings. To work with the collection element, use the IValidationCrossDatabaseMapping interface.

Time series databases and standard cubes containing a calendar dimension can be used as data sources.

By default time series database dimensions with the same identifiers are bound. If dimension identifier of master data source is not found in the initial data source, the binding is not created.


  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of elements in the collection.
Item The Item property returns the collection element by its index.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds an element to the collection.
Clear The Clear method removes all elements from the collection.
FindByComparatorId The FindByComparatorId method finds binding by data source dimension identifier used for comparison.
FindByComparatorKey The FindByComparatorKey method finds binding by data source dimension key used for comparison.
FindByTargetId The FindByTargetId method finds binding by dimension identifier of mapped data source.
FindByTargetKey The FindByTargetKey method finds binding by dimension key of mapped data source.
Remove The Remove method removes an element from the collection by its index.
SetDefault The SetDefault method sets dimension bindings by default.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces