Interface | Brief description | |
IDtAccessConsumer | The IDtAccessConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Access data consumer. | |
IDtAccessProvider | The IDtAccessProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Access data provider. | |
IDtBaseErrors | The IDtBaseErrors interface is used to set up basic problems of working with collection of errors. | |
IDtBulkConsumer | The IDtBulkConsumer interface contains basic properties and methods of transactional data consumers. | |
IDtBulkPacket | The IDtBulkPacket interface contains properties of the data packet for transactional consumer. | |
IDtCalcFieldError | The IDtCalcFieldError interface is used to work with error occurred on calculation of calculated field. | |
IDtCalcFieldErrors | The IDtCalcFieldErrors interface is used to work with collection of errors which occur on calculation of calculated field. | |
IDtConsumer | The IDtConsumer interface contains basic properties and methods used to work with a data consumer. | |
IDtCustomConsumer | The IDtCustomConsumer interface is used to work with user data consumer. | |
IDtCustomProvider | The IDtCustomProvider interface is used to work with custom data source. | |
IDtDbaseConsumer | The IDtDbaseConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Dbase data consumer. | |
IDtDbaseProvider | The IDtDbaseProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Dbase data provider. | |
IDtDocument | The IDtDocument interface is used to work with the Document data source. | |
IDtError | The IDtError interface is used to work with error. | |
IDtErrors | The IDtErrors interface is used to work with collection of errors. | |
IDtExcelConsumerEx | The IDtExcelConsumerEx interface is used to load data to Excel provider (*.xlsx). | |
IDtExcelProvider | The IDtExcelProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Excel(97-2003) data provider. | |
IDtExcelProviderEx | The IDtExcelProviderEx interface is used to collect data from Excel provider (*.xlsx). | |
IDtFieldDefinition | The IDtFieldDefinition interface contains settings for data provider/data consumer field. | |
IDtFieldDefinitions | The IDtFieldDefinitions interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of data provider or data consumer field descriptions. | |
IDtFieldSplitter | The IDtFieldSplitter interface is used to split data provider fields by the specified splitter. | |
IDtJsonConsumer | The IDtJsonConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Json data consumer. | |
IDtJsonProvider | The IDtJsonProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Json data provider. | |
IDtMetabaseConsumer | The IDtMetabaseConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Repository consumer data provider. | |
IDtMetabaseProvider | The IDtMetabaseProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Repository Source data provider. | |
IDtObject | The IDtObject interface contains basic properties and methods of all ETL task data providers/consumers. | |
IDtObjectCreator | The IDtObjectCreator interface contains methods used to create data providers or consumers of different types. | |
IDtObjectDataFormat | The IDtObjectDataFormat interface contains properties to determine different settings used on data identification. | |
IDtObjectMetaData | The IDtObjectMetaData interface contains methods used to collect information about data provider/consumer structure that uses OLE DB drivers for connection, installed in operating system. | |
IDtOleDbConsumer | The IDtOleDbConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export via OleDb data provider. | |
IDtOleDbProvider | The IDtOleDbProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from OleDb data converter. | |
IDtParadoxProvider | The IDtParadoxProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Paradox data consumer. | |
IDtProvider | The IDtProvider interface contains basic methods and properties used to work with a data provider. | |
IDtRdsConsumer | The IDtRdsConsumer interface contains properties of the data consumer that exports data to MDM dictionary. | |
IDtRdsProvider | The IDtRdsProvider interface contains properties of the data provider that imports data from MDM dictionary. | |
IDtRecordsetConsumer | The IDtRecordsetConsumer interface describes methods that export data by means of custom algorithm. | |
IDtRecordsetProvider | The IDtRecordsetProvider interface describes a method that imports data using custom algorithm. | |
IDtRecordsetUserData | The IDtRecordsetUserData interface is used to work with advanced settings of custom data sources or consumers. | |
IDtRestProvider | The IDtRestProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from REST data provider. | |
IDtSqlCommandConsumer | The IDtSqlCommandConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the DBMS Command data consumer. | |
IDtTextConsumer | The IDtTextConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Text data provider. | |
IDtTextConsumerField | The IDtTextConsumerField interface contains data consumer field properties used to work with files, data in which is placed in fixed positions. | |
IDtTextProvider | The IDtTextProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Text data provider. | |
IDtTextProviderField | The IDtTextProviderField interface contains data provider field properties used to work with files, data in which is placed in fixed positions. | |
IDtUnpivotProvider | The IDtUnpivotProvider interface is used to work with table data provider split into areas. | |
IDtUserConsumer | The IDtUserConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the User Consumer data provider. | |
IDtUserConsumerEx | The IDtUserConsumerEx interface is used to load data with the help of custom algorithm. | |
IDtUserProvider | The IDtUserProvider interface contains properties and methods of the User Provider data provider. | |
IDtUserProviderEx | The IDtUserProviderEx interface is used to collect data with the help of custom algorithm. | |
IDtVfpConsumer | The IDtVfpConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Visual FoxPro data consumer. | |
IDtVfpProvider | The IDtVfpProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Visual FoxPro data provider. | |
IDtWebProvider | The IDtWebProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Web data provider. | |
IDtXmlConsumer | The IDtXmlConsumer interface contains properties and methods of the Export to XML data consumer. | |
IDtXmlProvider | The IDtXmlProvider interface contains properties and methods of the Import from XML data provider. | |
IDtXmlProviderField | The IDtXmlProviderField interface contains properties of the data provider field required to work with XML files. |
To work with XLS providers (IDtExcelProvider, IDtExcelConsumer), MDB (IDtAccessProvider, IDtAccessConsumer), DBase (IDtDbaseProvider, IDtDbaseConsumer) in 64 bit version OS drivers are required:
It is required to set up the AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe driver, if x64 OS, Foresight Analytics Platform are used and MSOffice x64 is not installed.
If a x64 OS, Foresight Analytics Platform and MSOffice x86 (or x86 driver) are used, the import does not work: an error message is displayed. In this case only MSOffice reinstallation helps.
If MSOffice is not installed and appropriate provider is not found, the following message is displayed: OLE DB provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not found.
See also: