Dt Assembly Classes

  Class Brief description
DtAccessConsumer The DtAccessConsumer class implements an object that exports data into tables, stored in Microsoft Access database.
DtAccessProvider The DtAccessProvider class implements an object that imports data from tables, stored in Microsoft Access database.
DtBulkPacket The DtBulkPacket class implements an object that is the data packet for transactional data consumer.
DtDbaseConsumer The DtDbaseConsumer class implements an object that exports data in tables in Dbase format.
DtDbaseProvider The DtDbaseProvider class implements an object that imports data from tables in Dbase format.
DtExcelConsumer The DtExcelConsumer class implements an object that exports data into Microsoft Excel tables.
DtExcelConsumerEx The DtExcelConsumerEx class loads data to Excel consumer.
DtExcelProvider The DtExcelProvider class implements an object that imports data from Microsoft Excel files.
DtExcelProviderEx The DtExcelProviderEx class is used to extract data from Excel provider.
DtFieldDefinition The DtFieldDefinition class contains properties used to describe data provider/consumer field.
DtJsonConsumer The DtJsonConsumer class implements a data consumer that exports data to JSON.
DtJsonProvider The DtJsonProvider class implements a data provider that imports data from JSON file.
DtMetabaseConsumer The DtMetabaseConsumer class implements an object that exports data into repository tables.
DtMetabaseProvider The DtMetabaseProvider class implements an object that imports data from repository tables.
DtObjectCreator The DtObjectCreator class implements an object used to create data providers or consumers of different types.
DtOleDbConsumer The DtOleDbConsumer class implements an object that exports data into consumers, connection with which is implemented with the help of OleDb drivers, installed in personal computer.
DtOleDbProvider The DtOleDbProvider class implements an object that imports data from providers, connection with which is implemented with the help of OleDb drivers, installed in personal computer.
DtParadoxProvider The DtParadoxProvider class implements an object that imports data from tables in Paradox format.
DtRdsConsumer The DtRdsConsumer class implements a data consumer that exports data to MDM dictionary.
DtRdsProvider The DtRdsProvider class implements a data provider that imports data from MDM dictionary.
DtRestProvider The DtRestProvider class implements a data provider that imports data from table REST service.
DtSqlCommandConsumer The DtSqlCommandConsumer class implements the object, that exports data into the consumers, which can be the following objects of platform: DBMS command  and  Procedure.
DtTextConsumer The DtTextConsumer class implements an object that exports data into text files.
DtTextProvider The DtTextProvider class implements an object that imports data from text files.
DtUnpivotProvider The DtUnpivotProvider class is used to work with table data provider split into areas.
DtUserConsumer The DtUserConsumer class implements an object that exports data on the basis of algorithm, implemented in user module.
DtUserConsumerEx The DtUserConsumerEx class loads data with the help of custom algorithm.
DtUserProvider The DtUserProvider class implements an object that imports data on the basis of algorithm implemented in user module.
DtUserProviderEx The DtUserProviderEx class is used to collect data using custom algorithm.
DtVfpConsumer The DtVfpConsumer class implements an object that exports data into Visual Foxpro tables.
DtVfpProvider The DtVfpProvider class implements an object that imports data form tables in Visual Foxpro format.
DtWebProvider The DtWebProvider class implements an object that imports data from tables which can be found on web pages or in local HTML file.
DtXmlConsumer The DtXmlConsumer class implements an object that exports data into files in XML format.
DtXmlProvider The DtXmlProvider class implements an object that imports data into files in XML format.

See also:

Dt Assembly Interfaces | Dt Assembly Enumerations