In this article:

Basic Properties

Export Options

Error Handling

Edit Input

Edit Output


The Dbase connector is an object that is used to export data to DBase III, DBase IV and DBase 5 and VFPOLEDB.1 files (*.dbf).

NOTE. The VFPOLEDB.1 driver can be used only in 32-bit version of Foresight Analytics Platform.

After adding the connector to the ETL task working area, set basic properties and export options. The connector input and output can also be edited, and error handling parameters can also be set.

Basic Properties

The basic properties are used to set object name, identifier and comment.

Export Options

The Export Options page is used to specify a database file for data export.

Specify consumer directory containing Dbase files, and driver for corresponding Dbase version.

Selecting the Clear Consumer Before Loading Data checkbox enables the user to delete all information from the consumer before data loading.

Error Handling

The Error Handling page determines behavior of the object on error occurrence.

NOTE. The page is common for all data consumer connectors, except for XML, Text, JSON and User Consumer. Consider setting up error handling parameters using the example of the Repository data consumer editing wizard.

Set parameters:

A file that is used to store skipped records can be specified on selecting the Skip Only Incorrect Records or Skip All Records In One Transaction actions.

NOTE. If on export there were no skipped records, the text "??" is written to the file. This means an empty Unicode file with the Win encoding.

    • Rows separator: {Carriage Return}{Line Feed}.

    • Fields separator: ; (semicolon).

    • Text qualifier: "" (double quotes).

NOTE. The following file name is formed by default: <consumer identifier>_skipped records.csv.

Each skipped record is registered in the ETL log as a single record containing the number of skipped record, error text and error field information. If all records within transaction are skipped because of one error record, the log displays this reason in the Description field.

NOTE. If it is not required to distribute records by transaction, specify the number of records equal to zero. In this case, all records from the source are loaded one by one. This setting is applied only if the Stop Task Calculation or Skip Only Incorrect Records actions are selected in the Action Executed on Error Occurrence drop-down list.

After executing the operations, the export object behavior is specified in case of error situations on data loading.

Edit Input

To set a list of fields and link to input, use the Edit Input page.

The following parameters are available on the page:


Link to object


NOTE. The screenshot represents edit wizard for the Repository data consumer.

Edit Output

The Edit Output page enables the user to set links to the consumer object, to which data on executing ETL tasks is loaded.

NOTE. The page is common to all data connectors and transformers, except for the Split and User Algorithm transformers. Consider setting up a list of fields and output links using the example of the Repository data source editing wizard.

The following settings are available on the page:


Link to object


See also:

Getting Started with the ETL Task Tool in the Web Application | Data Consumers