The User Consumer connector is an object that is used to load data to a consumer using a custom algorithm. The algorithm should be implemented in the Fore language and stored in the current repository unit.
After adding a connector to the ETL task working area, set basic properties and a class with data export implementation. The connector input and output can also be edited.
To specify a development environment object, in which data exporter is implemented, use the User Class page.
Select a unit/form/assembly in the Class drop-down list, select a class that contains implementation of event handlers for ETL task in the Class drop-down list. The class should be inherited and contain implementation of the or IDtCustomConsumer interface.
Selecting the Clear Consumer Before Loading Data checkbox enables the user to delete all information from the consumer before data loading.
To set a list of fields and link to input, use the Edit Input page.
The following parameters are available on the page:
NOTE. The screenshot represents edit wizard for the Repository data consumer.
The Edit Output page enables the user to set links to the consumer object, to which data on executing ETL tasks is loaded.
NOTE. The page is common to all data connectors and transformers, except for the Split and User Algorithm transformers. Consider setting up a list of fields and output links using the example of the Repository data source editing wizard.
The following settings are available on the page:
See also:
Getting Started with the ETL Task Tool in the Web Application | Data Consumers