
Assembly: Dt;


The IDtCustomProvider interface is used to work with custom data source.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To get custom data provider, use the IDtUserProviderEx.CustomProvider property.


  Property name Brief description
The Eof property returns whether cursor is placed on the data provider last entry.

Properties inherited from IDtObject

  Property name Brief description
Active The Active property returns data source or data consumer state.
Fields The Fields property returns data provider/data consumer fields description.
GetType The GetType property returns data provider/data consumer type.
Metabase The Metabase property determines the repository, in which data is imported or exported.


  Method name Brief description
The Fetch method reads the data provider current entry.
The FetchRows method reads the specified entry number from data provider and returns the number of actually read entries.
The ImplementFetchRows method returns whether the IDtCustomProvider.FetchRows method is implemented.
The ReadingRowsCount method returns the number of read rows..

Methods inherited from IDtObject

  Method name Brief description
ClearFields The ClearFields method clears fields list of the data provider or data consumer.
Close The Close method closes data provider or data consumer.
FieldsFromFile The FieldsFromFile method reads fields list from the source file.
Load The Load method loads data source or data consumer parameters from XML.
Open The Open method opens data provider or data consumer.
Save The Save method saves data source or data consumer parameters in XML format.

See also:

Dt Assembly Interfaces