Using Interactive Selection Controls

A control is an object that is used to manage data, shown report objects, and it enables the user to change values of data entry form parameters.

To set up the controls, use the Controls panel.

Show or hide the Controls panel

Available Controls panel position options:

To position the Controls panel at the top, select the Top item in the drop-down menu of the Panel Position button.

Set up panel appearance in top position

To position the Controls panel at the left, select the Left item in the drop-down menu of the Panel Position button.

The selected panel position is saved when data entry form is saved.

Setting Up Controls

Controls can be set up on data entry form editing and include the following operations:

Add a control

Edit control

Change controls order

Resize control

Show hidden controls

Delete control

When the use of interactive elements is finished, follow the step if required:

See also:

Working with Ready Data Entry Form | Building Data Entry Form | Setting Up Form Formatting and Display Type