Working with Ready Data Entry Form

When working with a ready data entry form, data view and entry is available.

To work with ready data entry form, follow the steps:

  1. Refresh data of data entry form.

  2. Enter and save data.

  3. Add new records.

  4. Enter and validate entry form data.

  5. Use interactive elements to manage selection.

  6. Set up appearance.

  7. Use filtering if required.

  8. Use transposing if required.

  9. Use find and replace if required.

  10. Calculate basic aggregates if required.

  11. Calculate totals if required.

  12. View table element calculation formula description if required.

  13. Export data entry form if required.

  14. View and print data entry form if required.

See also:

Getting Started with the Interactive Data Entry Forms Extension in the Web Application | Building Data Entry Form