In this article:

Total Types

Calculation Options

Output String

Calculating Totals

Calculation of table totals by columns and/or by rows and setting up their displaying are executed in the Row Totals/Column Totals group of parameters.

To open the group of parameters

Settings in the Row Totals and the Column Totals parameters are identical:

Available settings:

Total Types

Select on or several required total types in the Total Types drop-down list:

Total values of the selected types will be automatically calculated. To reset the selected types and hide totals, click the Clear button.

Examples of row and column totals

Calculation Options

After total types are selected, set their calculation options on the Calculation Options tab:

NOTE. Selecting the checkbox does not affect the result of calculating totals with the Number of Empty Cells and the Number of Non-Empty Cells types, and the result of calculating the Average basic aggregate in the status bar.

NOTE. The parameter is recommended to be used if data was aggregated into parent elements from all child elements.

NOTE. If the grand total matches the subtotal by hierarchy/levels, it is recommended to disable displaying of grand total to avoid duplicated data.

The Subtotal, the By Hierarchy and By Levels checkboxes are relevant if elements of hierarchical dimension of different levels of hierarchy are displayed in the table.

Examples of displaying totals when different calculation options are used

Output String

If a table displays hierarchical dimension elements from different hierarchy levels, set parameters on the Output String tab to output grand total and/or hierarchy total to the parent element string:

The parameter is available if the Grand Total checkbox and/or the Totals by Hierarchy checkbox is selected.

Examples of displaying totals in the parent element string

See also:

Working with Ready Data Entry Form