Data Entry and Approval in Business Processes

To execute data entry or approval process steps, use the Finish/Approve and Reject buttons on the data entry form's toolbar. The buttons are displayed only in the data entry form opened for view and are available if there are active steps on the current active sheet for the user.

NOTE. Work with business processes is available only if the Business Process Management extension is installed.

Recommendations for business process work in data entry form

Step Finishing and Approval

To finish or approve an active process step:

  1. Click the Finish/Approve button. Button name depends on the process active step type:

A confirmation dialog box opens:

  1. If required, determine the following settings in the dialog box:

NOTE. The checkbox is displayed only if the form contains unsaved data.

  1. Click the Finish/Approve button.

As a result, the active step will be finished/approved.

Rejecting Process Step

To reject the finished process step and rollback to the previous one:

  1. Click the Reject button. A confirmation dialog box opens:

  1. If required, determine the following settings in the dialog box:

NOTE. The checkbox is displayed only if the form contains unsaved data.

  1. Click the Reject button.

As a result, the finished process step will be rejected.

See also:

Getting Started with the Interactive Data Entry Forms Extension in the Desktop Application | Working with Ready Data Entry Form