The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Getting Started with Security Manager

To get started with the tool, open the security manager in the web application or in the desktop application.

Open security manager in the web application

Open security manager in the desktop application

The security manager allows for connecting and simultaneous work in multiple repositories.

To set up the system security policy, see the Setting Up System Security Policy section.

To track system security violations, see the Tracking System Security Violations article.

To create a backup and restore security policy, see the Backup and Restore of Security Policy article.

To control Foresight Analytics Platform and repository metadata integrity, see the Controlling Foresight Analytics Platform and Metadata Integrity article.

The main window of the Security Manager tool:

Security Manager

Security Manager

NOTE. The security manager main window opens in the Navigator section by default.

Security manager window elements

Security manager functions in the web application and in the desktop application

Connect multiple repositories

Display list of connected repositories

See also:

Setting Up System Security Policy | Tracking System Security Violations | Backup and Restore of Security Policy | Controlling Foresight Analytics Platform and Metadata Integrity