In this article:





General Settings

To set up chart view, stacking type, background fill and border, use the General Settings group of parameters on the parameters panel.

Open the General Settings group of parameters

Set the parameters:


To set up chart view, set:

NOTE. It is available only for the following chart types: line charts, mixed charts, scatter charts, box charts, waterfall charts, stepped charts, histograms, area charts, and box charts with linear series.

NOTE. It is available only for the following chart types: line charts, pie charts, mixed charts, histograms, and area charts.

NOTE. It is available only for the following chart types: line charts, mixed charts, waterfall charts, stepped charts, histograms, and area charts.

After the checkbox is selected, the scroller will be displayed below the chart area.

To zoom, point the cursor to the scroller border. The pointer changes to the two-headed arrow:

Click the scroller border and drag it. The chart is automatically rebuilt. The chart plot area will show the part corresponding to the scroller part:

To move the scroller, point the mouse pointer to it. The pointer changes to the four-headed arrow:

Click the mouse button, hold down it and move the scroller part to the required position. The plot area will show the corresponding chart part.

To quick zoom, put the mouse pointer to the scroller or the chart area and scroll up the mouse wheel to zoom in and scroll down to zoom out.

To restore the chart to its original appearance, execute one of the operations:

NOTE. It is available if a chart is built based on a data slice.


Select the stacking type in use in the drop-down list:

NOTE. It is available for series of the following chart types: line charts, mixed charts, histograms, and area charts.


To set up chart background, select fill type in the drop-down list:

To reset fill settings, click the Delete button.


To set up chart border, set:

To reset birder settings, click the Delete button.

See also:

Data Visualization as Charts