To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Report Export

Reports allow for exporting selected data or the entire report. To export data to XML, CSV and other formats, use ETL task data consumers, and to export the entire report to external formats, select the Report > Export main menu item and select the required format:

NOTE. The PPREPORT format is an internal format of Foresight Analytics Platform and it is used to load reports to a local file to further work with them without connecting to the repository.

A dialog box for entering export parameters opens after external file format is selected.

The controls on this dialog box change depending on the file type of the export, but the following radio buttons are always available:

NOTE. When exporting to XLS and XLSX, the Selected Sheets list contains hidden sheets if the Hidden Sheets checkbox is selected in the Options of Export to XLS dialog box.

To export multiple versions of the report formed by the selection of fixed dimensions, use batch export.

Export Features

On export of reports to various formats consider the following features:

Export from the web application

Headers and footers


Marking stamps

Icons in cells are connected to by the Fore language

Footnotes connected by the Fore language

Export from the web application

Headers and footers


Marking stamps

Icons in cells are connected to by the Fore language

Footnotes connected by the Fore language


- report export is available.

- report export is unavailable.

The following export features can be distinguished depending on regular report settings:

NOTE. If export is executed when the non-printed report sheet is opened, only this sheet is available for export.

NOTE. When a report is printed and exported, the output file may display stamp No. 1 according to the No. 0126-87 Guidelines if the mandatory access control is used as the security policy, and export and print labeling is enabled for the security level.

Export to XLS and XLSX

Export to PDF

Export to RTF

Export to PPTX

Export to HTML and MHT

Export to ODS

Export to EMF

Export to PPREPORT

See also:

Getting Started with the Reports Tool in the Web Application | ImageList | Regular Report Batch Export | Working with Ready Report