Alternative Hierarchy Based on Dictionary Attributes

Dictionary attribute can be used as an alternative hierarchy. This enables the user to build a report by using dictionary attribute values as separate dimensions displayed in the Selection group of tabs.

To set up attribute as an alternative hierarchy:

  1. Open a dictionary in the edit mode.

  2. Set up a dictionary:

NOTE. The Alternative Hierarchy and Multiple Values Allowed checkboxes cannot be selected at the same time.

TIP. Make sure that dictionary attributes are correctly set up for further use of an alternative hierarchy based on them.

  1. Specify the attribute used as an alternative hierarchy. For different Foresight Analytics Platform tools the order of actions differs:

As a result, alternative hierarchy is set up based on dictionary attributes.

Example of Using Alternative Hierarchy based on Dictionary Attributes

Consider the express report, which data source is a cube in the desktop application. The cube contains the Socio-Economic Indicators dimension. The Measurement Units attribute of this dimension is set as an alternative hierarchy.

Open the Structure and Parameters dialog box. Select the checkbox next to the Measurement Units attribute on the Data Source Structure dictionary.

The Selection group of tabs of the side panel displays the Socio-Economic Indicators.Units dimension built by values of the Measurement Units attribute.

As a result, get the report, which uses values of the specified dictionary attribute:

See also:

Dictionary Hierarchy | Alternative Hierarchy based on Dictionaries