The tool supports the interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Composite MDM Dictionary

The dictionary is used for creating a structured data presentation with possibility of its transformation. Creating a dictionary does not require a data source. Data can be entered manually or loaded from the data source to the dictionary by means of the built-in ETL tools. Dictionary elements may change in time, that is, may have several versions. A composite MDM dictionary that includes both its own elements and elements of other MDM dictionaries: Creating a composite MDM dictionary requires a database to store dictionary data. A composite MDM dictionary can be created in any place of repository. A composite MDM dictionary that uses a single table to store data. A table is created automatically on creating a dictionary and is the dictionary child object. The table fields correspond to the dictionary attributes.

NOTE. Work with composite MDM dictionaries is available only in the desktop application.

Open the composite MDM dictionary wizard

The wizard contains the pages:

To work with composite MDM dictionaries, see the Working with Dictionary article.

See also:

Creating Dictionaries | MDM Dictionary