The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Modeling Problem

A modeling problem is an object that calculates models of the selected metamodel one by one to get output data in output variables. When calculations are finished, results are saved to variables. This data can be viewed together on the output variables report.

After the modeling problem is saved, child cubes are created within it, which can be used in the following tools: Dashboards, Analytical Queries (OLAP), and Reports. The set of cubes is equal for all problems. Cube names are created according to the following rule:

For example, Balance of Trade. Output Variables is a cube that contains data of output variables for the Balance of Trade problem.

To create a modeling problem

Working with a modeling problem:

  1. Select the problem type.

  2. Set up calculation periods.

  3. Add calculation scenarios.

  4. If optimal control, custom optimization or criterion problems are to be set up:

    1. Set custom algorithm. Only for custom optimization problem.

    2. Set criterion function parameters.

    3. Determine a controlling variables list.

    4. Set primary values of controlling variables.

    5. Determine criterion function constraints.

  5. Fill output problem variables with data by required scenarios. Take into account scenario modeling features.

  6. Calculate the problem.

Example of panels for editing problem parameters:

See also:

The Model Object | The Metamodel Object | Calculation History