The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.


The Variables panel is displayed after you have selected the type of calculated optimal control problem on the Problem Type panel. Use this panel to create a list of controlling variables.

To move variables between the lists

Controlling Variable Constraints

To set constraints of the selected variable:

The Constraints dialog box opens to set constraints.

NOTE. The optimal control problem enables the user to set constraint if the Sequential Quadratic Programming method or the Grid Search method is used.

The dialog box appearance depends on the modeling problem type:

Specify values of the upper and the lower limits of the controlling variable.

NOTE. If the Sequential Quadratic Programming method is applied, the dialog box includes checkboxes that determine whether it is necessary to set the upper and lower limits of the controlling variable.

Specify values of the upper and the lower constraints of controlling variable in the forecasting period. If it is required to weaken the constraint reached on problem calculation, select the checkbox next to the appropriate constraint.

See also:

Modeling Problem