The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Initial Values of Controlling Variables

Initial values of controlling variables in the optimal control problem can be set on this panel:

Selecting the Set Initial Values of Controlling Variables Manually checkbox disables the automatic setting of initial values. Selecting this checkbox makes the Copy Input Values group of radio buttons, the Decimal Places value editor and the table containing initial values of controlling variables available. The Set Initial Values of Controlling Variables Manually checkbox is selected by default, therefore, initial values of controlling variables are determined automatically.

The table contains values of controlling variables for the forecasting period selected on the Periods panel. The default value in all table cells is 0.10. Cell values can be edited using the operations:

A context menu with the commands is available for table cells:

The Copy Input Values group of radio buttons enables the user to quickly set initial values for variables. The group contains the following radio buttons:

The number of displayed decimal places for the initial value of the controlling variables can be set up. To do this, determine the number of decimal places to the right of the decimal separator in the Decimal Places value editor. The minimum number of decimal places is 0. The maximum number is 9. The default value is 2.

See also:

Modeling Problem