The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.


Scenario modeling is the modeling, which considers several alternative ways of model development. It is one of the most effective tools in strategic analysis.

Modeling scenarios are objects that are used to create a series in an output variable, to which the data should be loaded after calculation of the modeling problem is completed.

To manage all the scenarios that are in included in the modeling container, use the modeling scenarios panel.

All scenarios, by which modeling problem is calculated, are displayed on the Scenarios panel:

NOTE. This panel displays only the scenarios the user has read permissions for. If a parent object of the modeling container is a time series database, access permissions to the Fact scenario are not considered.
On copying the modeling container only the scenarios are copied, to which the user has permissions.

By default, the modeling container has only the Fact scenario, which is not displayed on this panel. The Fact scenario is used in all variables, models and modeling problems to get data about sample period. If other scenarios are absent, calculation results may be loaded according to the Fact scenario.

Features of scenario modeling

Operations with Scenarios

To add a scenario

To copy data by the selected scenario into the specified variables

To change the order of scenarios

To remove the selected scenarios

See also:

Modeling Problem