The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Criterion Function

The panel is used to edit parameters of the criterion function of optimal control problem or criterion problem. The set of parameters on the panel depends on programming problem type.

Specify the following parameters of the criterion function:

After setting up the criterion function, select the method for optimizing the value of this function:

NOTE. An optimization option can be specified only for an optimal control problem and a criterion problem. An optimization option for a custom optimization problem can be set in a custom class that calculates the problem.

When the problem is saved, the criterion function correctness is checked. If the criterion problem formula contains errors (invalid operators, a non-existing element, and so on), an appropriate error message is displayed showing the number of the position containing this error. After the user closes the message, the cursor is moved to the indicated position of the formula.

Brief Description of Optimization Problem Calculation Methods

  Grid search Sequential quadratic programming Sequential simplex
Description A grid search method. It refers to direct minimizing methods. It requires large calculation resources, and it is not designed to solve practical problems. Method with quadratic subproblems. Method of unconditional optimization.
Parameters It requires a defined range of valid values for each optimized variable. It requires initial approximations to be set for all controlling variables. It requires setting initial approximations.
Constraints It considers non-linear constraints of controlling variables. It considers non-linear constraints of controlling variables. It does not consider any constrains for the function arguments, by which optimization is executed.
Derivatives Calculating derivatives is not required. Calculating partial derivatives is required. Calculating derivatives is not required.
Result The result is the extremum of the criterion function found by grid search, and the number of cells is determined by the user. The accuracy of the found solution depends on the grid size. The result is the local extremum determined by initial approximations or the extremum of the function when there are non-linear constraints on variables. The result is the local extremum defined by initial approximations.

See also:

Modeling Problem