The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Problem Calculation

Before starting a problem calculation, all changes should be saved. Uninterrupted and step-by-step problem calculation. On uninterrupted calculation, a problem is calculated from start to finish without automatic stop at each step. On step-by-step calculation, the calculation is stopped at each step.

To start uninterrupted calculation:

To start step-by-step calculation:

Regardless of the calculation type, the Problem Calculation dialog box opens:

Set up problem calculation options:

1. Select a problem type to be calculated

2. Set sample periods and forecasting periods

3. Set data loading period

4. Set up problem calculation options

5. Select calculation scenarios

6. Run problem calculation

Viewing Problem Information

Problem information can be viewed by means of the tabs located at the bottom of the Problem Calculation dialog box:

Calculation chain




See also:

Modeling Problem | Identified Equation