Static Methods of the Tab Assembly


Static assembly methods are global inside of the assembly, in which they are implemented. Most static functions of the Tab assembly are statistical, mathematical, and financial functions, functions that are used to work with date and time, and functions that are used to convert data to various formats. All the functions are optimized to receive cells or cell ranges as input parameters. Data is processed using the Variant class.

NOTE. When working with the Tab assembly on a form there may occur a conflict of using static methods that have the same names as the form properties (Left, Top and so on). To solve the conflict it is necessary to implement a custom function outside the form class, and the required static method of the Tab assembly is to be called in this function.

Mathematical Methods

  Method name Brief description
Abs The Abs method returns the unit (absolute value) of a float number.
AbsD The AbsD method returns the unit (absolute value) of a high precision decimal number.
AbsI The AbsI method returns the unit (absolute value) of an integer number.
ACos The ACos method returns the arccosine of a number.
ACosH The ACosH method returns the hyperbolic arccosine of a number.
ACot The ACot method returns the arccotangent of the specified number.
ACotH The ACotH method returns the hyperbolic arccotangent of the specified number.
ASin The ASin method returns the arcsine of a number.
ASinH The ASinH method returns the hyperbolic arcsine of a number.
ATan The ATan method returns the arctangent of a number.
ATan2 The ATan2 method returns arc tangent for specified coordinates of X and Y.
ATanH The ATanH method returns the hyperbolic arctangent of the number.
Average The Average method calculates the mean value of elements of an array of float numbers.
AverageI The AverageI method calculates average value of integer array elements with rounding to the nearest integer value.
Ceiling The Ceiling method rounds up to the nearest number, which is a multiple of precision.
CeilingD The CeilingD method rounds up to the nearest high precision decimal number.
CeilingI The CeilingI method rounds up to the nearest integer number, which is a multiple of precision.
CholeskyDecomposition The CholeskyDecomposition method performs Cholesky decomposition for matrix.
Combin The Combin method returns the number of combinations for the specified number of objects.
Cos The Cos method returns a cosine for the specified angle.
CosH The CosH method returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified number.
Cot The Cot method returns the cotangent of the specified angle.
CotH The CotH method returns the hyperbolic cotangent of the specified number.
Degrees The Degrees method returns the value, converted from radians to degrees.
DivD The DivD method returns integer part of the quotient on dividing of two high precision decimal numbers.
Even The Even method returns the value, rounded to the nearest even integer.
Exp The Exp method returns the result of raising the number "e" to the specified power.
Fact The Fact method returns a factorial of selected variable points.
Floor The Floor method returns the result of rounding down a float number to the multiple of the specified precision.
FloorD The FloorD method returns the result of rounding down a high precision decimal number to the multiple of the specified precision.
FloorI The FloorI method returns the result of rounding down an integer number to the multiple of the specified precision.
Gcd The Gcd method returns the greatest common divisor for two or more integers.
Int The Int method rounds the specified number down to the nearest integer.
IntD The IntD method rounds the specified high precision decimal number to the nearest least integer.
Lcm The Lcm method returns the least common multiple of integers.
Ln The Ln method returns a natural logarithm for the specified number.
Log The Log method returns a logarithm of the number by the specified base.
Log10 The Log10 method returns a common logarithm of the specified number.
Max The Max method detects the maximum value in an array of float numbers.
Maxa The Maxa method returns the maximum value in the cell array containing not only numeric values.
MaxI The MaxI method detects the maximum value in an integer array.
MDeterm The MDeterm method returns the matrix determinant of an array.
Min The Min method searches for the minimum value in a float number array.
Mina The Mina method returns the minimum value in the cell array containing not only numeric values.
MinI The MinI method searches for the minimum value in an integer array.
MInverse The MInverse method returns a matrix, inverse to the specified one.
MMult The MMult method returns a product of matrices.
Mod_ The Mod_ method returns the remainder from dividing the argument by the divisor.
ModD The ModD method returns modulo of two high precision decimal numbers.
MRound The MRound method returns the result of rounding up the number.
Msvd The Msvd method returns the result of singular decomposition of matrix.
Multinomial The Multinomial method returns the ratio of the factorial of the sum of values to the factorials product.
Odd The Odd method returns a number, rounded to the nearest odd integer.
Pi The Pi method returns the "Pi" number.
Power The Power method returns the result of raising a float number to a float power.
PowerI The PowerI method returns the result of raising an integer number to an integer power.
Product The Product method returns the product of the specified numbers.
Quotient The Quotient method returns the integer part of the result of the division with remainder.
Radians The Radians method returns the value of the argument, converted from degrees to radians.
Rand The Rand method returns a random uniformly distributed odd number within the [0; 1) range.
RandBetween The RandBetween method returns a random float number between two specified numbers.
RandBetweenI The RandBetweenI method returns a random integer number between two specified numbers.
RndPermutation The RndPermutation method performs pseudo-random permutation of the number array.
RndSample The RndSample method performs pseudo-random sample from the number array.
Roman The Roman method returns the result of transforming a decimal number into roman, as a text.
Round The Round method returns the number, rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
RoundD The RoundD method returns the high precision decimal number, rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
RoundDDown The RoundDDown method returns the high precision decimal number, rounded to the nearest value, lesser by unit.
RoundDown The RoundDown method returns the number, rounded to the nearest value, lesser by unit.
RoundDUp The RoundDUp method returns the high precision decimal number, rounded to the nearest larger by unit number.
RoundUp The RoundUp method returns a number, rounded to the nearest larger by unit number.
SeriesSum The SeriesSum method returns the sum of the power series.
Sign The Sign method determines the sign of a number.
Sin The Sin method returns the sine of a specified number.
SinH The SinH method returns a hyperbolic sine of the specified number.
Sqrt The Sqrt method returns a positive square root value.
SqrtPi The SqrtPi method returns the square root of "Value * "Pi".
Sum The Sum method returns a sum of elements (float numbers) of the specified array.
SumD The SumD method returns a sum of elements of the specified array of high precision decimal numbers.
SumI The SumI method returns a sum of elements (integer numbers) of the specified array.
Sumif The Sumif method returns the sum of numbers in the set range of cells that satisfy the specified condition.
SumProduct The SumProduct method multiplies corresponding elements of the specified arrays and returns a sum of their products.
SumSq The SumSq method returns the sum of squares of array elements.
SumSqD The SumSqD method returns a sum of squares of the specified arrays of high precision decimal numbers.
SumX2MY2 The SumX2MY2 method returns a sum of differences between squares of the corresponding values in two arrays.
SumX2PY2 The SumX2PY2 method returns a sum of sums of squares of the corresponding elements of two arrays.
SumXMY2 The SumXM2 method returns a sum of squares of differences of the corresponding values in two arrays.
Tan The Tan method returns the tangent of the specified angle.
TanH The TanH method returns hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.
Trunc The Trunc method truncates a number to the specified number of decimal places.

Links and Arrays

  Method name Brief description
Offset The Offset method returns a cell range that is offset according to the specified parameters. The cell range is offset by RowCount rows, ColumnCount columns. The offset is calculated based on the Range range. By default, the height and the width of the returned range matches the width and the height of the source range. Use the Height and Width parameters to specify the height and the width of the returned range.
Range The Range method returns the range from the link.
Rng The Rng method returns the range from the link to a cell.


  Method name Brief description
Choose The Choose method selects value in the list of values by index number.
Column The Column method returns the column number, to which the link refers.
Columns The Columns method returns the number of columns in the link.
Row The Column method returns the column number, to which the link refers.
Rows The Columns method returns the number of columns in the link.

Date and Time

  Method name Brief description
Date The Date method returns the date, combined from the specified year, month and day.
DateValue The DateValue method returns the result of converting a string to a date.
Day The Day method returns the day of the specified date. The day is returned as an integer within the [1; 31] range.
Edate The Edate method returns the date that is increased or decreased for the specified number of months.
Hour The Hour method returns the hour corresponding to the specified time. The hour value is defined as an integer within the [0; 23] range.
Minute The Minute method returns the minutes corresponding to the specified time. The minutes value is defined as an integer within the [0; 59] range.
Month The Month method returns the month in the specified date. The month value is returned as an integer within the [1; 12] range.
Now The Now method returns the current date and time.
Second The Second method returns the seconds corresponding to the specified time. The seconds value is defined as an integer within the [0; 59] range.
Time The Time method returns the time, combined according to the specified hours, minutes and seconds.
TimeValue The TimeValue method returns the result of transforming a row into time.
Today The Today method returns the current date.
Weekday The Weekday method returns the day of the week corresponding to a date. The weekday value is returned as an integer within the [1; 7] range.
Year The Year method returns the year for the specified date.

Text Methods

  Method name Brief description
_T The _T method determines whether the value can be transformed to string type. If so, the method returns text, if not, it returns an empty string.
Concatenate The Concatenate method returns the result of combining two or more strings into one.
Exact The Exact method compares two text strings, taking case into account, and returns True if they are exactly the same, and False in the opposite case.
Find The Find method returns the index of the first entering to the source string of the required substring, with respect to to the source string.
Fixed The Fixed method rounds a number to the specified number of decimals after the point and returns the result as a string with or without commas.
Left The Left method returns the specified number of characters from the beginning of string.
Len The Len method returns the number of characters in the string.
Lower The Lower method converts all uppercase characters in the string to lowercase ones.
Mid The Mid method extracts the substring of the specified length from the source string from specified starting position.
Replace The Replace method replaces a specified part of the string with a different string.
Rept The Rept method returns the string repeated a specified number of times.
Right The Right method returns the specified number of characters from the end of the string.
Trim The Trim method removes spaces from the beginning and the end of the specified string.
Upper The Upper method converts all string characters to uppercase.
Value The Value method returns the result of transforming of number textual view to a numeric view.

Financial Methods

  Method name Brief description
AccrintM The AccrintM method returns accumulated interest for the securities, for which the interest must be paid on settlement date.
CoupDayBs The CoupDayBs method returns the number of days from the coupon start date until the agreement date.
CoupDays The CoupDays method returns the number of days in the period of a coupon, which includes the settlement date.
CoupDaysNc The CoupDaysNc method returns the number of days from the settlement date until the next coupon date.
CoupNcd The Coupncd method returns the number, which is the next coupon date after the settlement date.
CoupNum The CoupNum method returns the number of coupons, which can be paid between the settlement date and the maturity date, rounded to the nearest integer of coupons.
CoupPcd The CoupPcd method returns the number, corresponding to the previous coupon date before the settlement date.
CumIpmt The CumIpmt method returns the accumulated income for the loan between two payment periods.
Cumprinc The Cumprinc method returns accumulated (progressive total) sum, paid to redeem the loan capital amount between two periods.
Db The Db method returns an asset depreciation value for the specified period calculated by the fixed balance decrease method.
Ddb The Ddb method returns depreciation of an asset for the specified period, calculated by the double reduction of the remainder method, or another specified method.
Disc The Disc method returns discount rate for securities.
DollarDe The DollarDe method converts a ruble price expressed as a fraction into a ruble price expressed as a decimal number.
DollarFr The DollarFr method converts a ruble price expressed as a decimal number into a ruble price expressed as a fraction.
Effect The Effect method returns effective (actual) annual interest rate, if nominal annual interest rate and the number of periods in a year, for which compound interest is calculated, are specified.
Fv The Fv method returns future value of the investment, at the condition of regular equal payments and constant interest rate.
FvSchedule The FvSchedule method returns future value of the original capital amount after applying a set of complex interest rates.
Intrate The Intrate method returns the interest rate for fully invested securities.
Ipmt The Ipmt method returns the sum of interest payments for the specified period, if the sums of regular payments are equal and the interest rate is constant.
Irr The Irr method returns internal bill rate for the set of cash flows, represented by their numeric values.
Ispmt The Ispmt method returns interest, paid for the specified investment period.
MIrr The Mirr method returns modified internal bill rate for a set of periodic cash flows.
Nominal The Nominal method returns nominal annual interest rate, if the effective (actual) rate and the number of periods in a year, for which compound interest is calculated, are specified.
NPer The NPer method returns the total number of periods of payment for investments based on periodic regular payments and constant interest rate.
Npv The Npv method returns net present value of an investment, using a discount rate as well as the values of future payments (negative values) and inpayments (positive values).
Pmt The Pmt method returns a sum of regular annuity payments, if the payment sums are equal and the interest rate is constant.
Ppmt The Ppmt method returns a sum of payments for the investment for the specified period, if the payment sums are equal and the interest rate is constant.
Price The Price method returns the price for 100 rubles of principal value of the securities, for which periodic interest is paid.
PriceDisc The PriceDisc method returns the price for 100 rubles of principal value of securities, for which a discount is made.
PriceMat The PriceMat method returns the price for 100 rubles of principal value for securities, for which interest is paid on maturity.
Pv The Pv method returns net present (at the current moment) value of investment.
Rate The Rate method returns annuity interest rate for one period.
Received The Received method returns the sum, received by the maturity date of the fully secured securities.
Sln The Sln method returns the depreciation of an asset for one period, calculated by a linear method.
Syd The Syd method returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period, calculated by the "sum of year digits" method.
TBillEq The TBillEq method returns income, equivalent to a bond from an exchequer bill.
TBillPrice The TBillPrice returns the price for 100 rubles of the nominal value for a exchequer's bill.
TBillYield The TBillYield method returns yield for a exchequer's bill.
Vdb The Vdb method returns an asset's depreciation for any specified period, including partial periods, by the double remainder reduction method or another specified method.
XIrr The Xirr method returns internal bill rate for the schedule of cash flows, which do not have to be regular.
Xnpv The Xnpv method returns net present value for cash flows, which do not have to be regular.
YieldF The YieldF method returns yield for securities, for which interest is paid regularly.
YieldMat The YieldMat method returns annual profitability for securities, for which interest is paid on maturity.

Statistical Methods

  Method name Brief description
_Frequency The Frequency method calculates the frequency of value occurrences in a value range and to return a number array.
AveDev The AveDev method returns the mean of absolute deviations of data points from the mean value.
BetaDist The BetaDist method returns integral function of beta probability density.
BetaInv The BetaInv method returns inverse function for integral function of beta probability density.
BinomDist The BinomDist method returns a separate value for binomial distribution.
ChiDist The ChiDist method returns single-sided probability for chi-square distribution.
ChiInv The ChiInv method returns the value inverse to single-sided probability of chi-square distribution.
ChiTest The ChiTest method returns the value of chi-square distribution.
Confidence The Confidence method returns confidence interval for the mean of universal population.
Correl The Correl method returns coefficient of correlation between A1 and A2.
Covar The Covar method returns covariance, that is the mean of deviation products for each pair of data points.
CritBinom The CritBinom method returns the least value for which integral binomial distribution is greater or equal to a specified criterion.
DevSq The DevSq method returns the sum of data points' squared deviations from their mean.
Dispersion The Dispersion method estimates variance of the sample.
DispersionP The DispersionP method calculates variance for a universal set.
ExponDist The ExponDist method returns exponential distribution.
FDist The FDist method returns F-distribution of probability.
FInv The FInv method returns inverse value for F-distribution of probabilities.
Fisher The Fisher method returns Fisher's transform.
FisherInv The FisherInv method returns inverse Fisher transform.
Forecast The Forecast method calculates a future value based on existing values.
FTest The FTest method returns the F-test result.
GammaDist The GammaDist method returns gamma-distribution.
GammaInv The GammaInv method returns inverse gamma-distribution.
GammaLn The GammaLn method returns natural logarithm of gamma function.
GeoMean The GeoMean method returns geometrical mean of positive number array values.

Growth The Growth method calculates forecast exponential growth based on existing data.
HarMean The HarMean method returns harmonic mean of a data set.
HypGeomDist The HypGeomDist method returns hypergeometric distribution.
Intercept The Intercept method calculates the point at which a line intersects the Y axis.
JarqueBeraStat The JarqueBeraStat method returns Jarque-Bera statistics.
Kurt The Kurt method returns data set kurtosis.
Large The Large method returns the k-th greatest value from a data set.
Linest The Linest method calculates series statistics using the least-squares method. The method's result is a straight line which approximates the existing data the best way.
Logest The Logest method calculates exponential curve that approximates data and returns an array of values describing this curve.
LogInv The LogInv method returns inverse function of logarithmic normal distribution.
LogNormDist The LogNormDist method returns integral lognormal distribution.
Median The Median method returns median of specified values.
Mode The Mode method returns mode, that is the most frequently occurring value in a data array.
NegBinomDist The NegBinomDist method returns negative binomial distribution.
NormDist The NormDist method returns the normal distribution function for the specified average and standard deviation.
NormInv The NormInv method returns inverse normal distribution.
NormsDist The NormsDist method returns standard normal integral distribution.
NormsInv The NormsInv method returns inverse value for standard normal distribution.
Pearson The Pearson method returns Pearson correlation coefficient (r).
Percentile The Percentile method returns the k-th percentile for interval values.
PercentRank The PercentRank method returns rank of a value in a data set as the value percentage in the data set.
Permut The Permut method returns the number of permutations for the specified number of objects.
Poisson The Poisson method returns Poisson distribution.
Prob The Prob method returns probability for an interval value to be within the specified limits.
Quartile The Quartile method returns data set quartile.
Rank The Rank method returns rank of a number in an array of values.
Rsq The Rsq method returns squared Pearson correlation coefficient.
Skew The Skew method returns distribution skew.
Slope The Slope method returns slope of the linear regression line.
Small The Small method returns the k-th least value of a data set.
Standardize The Standardize method returns normalized value for distribution with medium or standard deviation.
StDev The StDev method estimates standard deviation of the sample.
StDevP The StDevP method calculates standard deviation of a universal population.
SteYX The SteYX method returns standard error of predicted Y values for each X value in a regression.
TDist The TDist method returns percent points (probability) for the Student's t-distribution.
TInv The TInv method returns t-value of the Student's distribution as probability function and the number of degrees of freedom.
Trend The Trend method returns values for a linear trend.
TrimMean The TrimMean method returns the data set interior mean.
TTest The TTest method returns probability for the Student's criterion.
Weibull The Weibull method returns Weibull distribution.
ZTest The ZTest method returns bilateral P-value of the z-test.

Logical Methods

  Method name Brief description
_And The _And method returns True if all the arguments are True.
_Not The _Not method changes the Boolean value of its argument to the opposite.
_Or The _Or method returns True if at least one argument is True.
IfError The IfError method returns the cell value if it does not contain errors, otherwise it contains the specified value.
Ifs The Ifs method checks if there is correspondence to one or several conditions and returns the value for the first condition that is set to TRUE.
Iif The Iif method checks conditions and returns specified Boolean value.
IsEmpty The IsNull method returns True if the argument refers to an empty cell, otherwise it returns False.
IsErr The IsErr method checks if the value is error and differs from #N/A.
IsError The IsError method checks if the value is error.
ISLOGICAL The ISLOGICAL method checks if the value is logical.
ISNA The ISNA method checks if the value is #N/A.
ISNONTEXT The ISNONTEXT method checks if the value is not text.
ISNUMBER The ISNUMBER method checks if the value is a number.
ISTEXT The ISTEXT method checks is the value is text.


  Method name Brief description
PythonInvoke The PythonInvoke method executes a function in the Python language and returns its result. Function code is located in a file on the hard drive.
PythonInvokeModule The PythonInvokeModule method executes a function in the Python language and returns its result. Function code is located in the Python unit in the repository.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces | Tab Assembly Enumerations | Tab Assembly Classes | Tab Assembly Delegates