AveDev(Value: Array): Double;
Value. A set of values, for which you find the average of absolute deviations.
The AveDev method returns the average of absolute values of data point deviations from the average.
This value is a measure of data set spread.
Sub Main;
st: Statistics;
d0: Double;
y: Array Of Double;
y := New Double[10];
y[00] := 1.6;
y[01] := 1.7;
y[02] := 1.8;
y[03] := 1.9;
y[04] := 2;
y[05] := 2.1;
y[06] := 2.2;
y[07] := 2.3;
y[08] := 2.4;
y[09] := 2.8;
st := New Statistics.Create;
d0 := st.AveDev(y);
Debug.WriteLine("Average of absolute deviation values: " + d0.ToString);
End Sub Main;
After you have executed this example the console window shows the measure of data set spread:
Module execution started
Average of absolute deviation values: 0.27999999999999997
Module execution finished
See also: