Tab Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
TabAccessRights The TabAccessRights enumeration contains data access permission modes.
TabActivationEditorMode The TabActivationEditorMode enumeration contains types of cell editor activation.
TabAutoFilterAction The TabAutoFilterAction enumeration contains types of selected autofilter condition.
TabBorder The TabBorder enumeration contains border options for the cell for which some parameters are defined.
TabBorderStyle The TabBorderStyle enumeration contains types of cell border lines.
TabBorderWeight The TabBorderWeight enumeration contains options of cell border lines' weight.
TabCellContentChange The TabCellContentChange enumeration contains types of changes in a table cell.
TabCellIteratorOrder The TabCellIteratorOrder enumeration contains the elements sorting variants in the iterator.
TabCellSearchDirection The TabCellSearchDirection enumeration contains available search directions.
TabCellSearchTarget The TabCellSearchTarget enumeration contains cell property options by which the search is to be carried out.
TabCleanPart The TabCleanPart enumeration contains ranges that can be cleared.
TabConditionCellContentDate The TabConditionCellContentDate enumeration contains conditions that may apply to dates in formatted cells.
TabConditionCellContentText The TabConditionCellContentText enumeration contains conditions that may apply to text in formatted cells.
TabConditionCellContentValue The TabConditionCellContentValue enumeration contains conditions that may apply to values of formatted cells.
TabConditionIconRangeCond The TabConditionIconRangeCond enumeration contains ratios by which values satisfying the specified rule are selected.
TabConditionIconType The TabConditionIconType enumeration contains icon styles used in conditional formatting of the cells.
TabConditionPredefinedDataBarStyle The TabConditionPredefinedDataBarStyle enumeration contains standard bar chart styles used in conditional formatting of the cells.
TabConditionPredefinedGradientStyle The TabConditionPredefinedGradientStyle enumeration contains standard gradient fill styles used in conditional formatting of the cells.
TabConditionPredefinedScaleStyle The TabConditionPredefinedScaleStyle enumeration contains standard styles of color scale used in conditional formatting of the cells.
TabConditionType The TabConditionType enumeration contains types of conditional cell formatting.
TabCursor The TabCursor enumeration contains cursor types that may be displayed on mouse over.
TabCustomSortDirection The TabCustomSortDirection enumeration contains directions of data table rows and columns' sorting.
TabCustomSortType The TabCustomSortType enumeration contains types of sorting applied to columns or rows of data grid.
TabDeleteShiftDirection The TabDeleteShiftDirection enumeration is used to determine the method for deleting cell range.
TabEmptyValuesTreatmentType The TabEmptyValuesTreatmentType enumeration contains operations that need to be performed to check formulas referring to empty cells.
TabExpanderKind The TabExpanderKind enumeration contains expander types.
TabFindReplaceFormat The TabFindReplaceFormat enumeration contains format options for searched and replaced text.
TabFixedBehaviour The TabFixedBehaviour enumeration contains modes for working with rows and columns when fixed area is available.
TabFontCharset The TabFontCharset enumeration contains font encodings.
TabFootnotesLocation The TabFootnotesLocation enumeration contains options of footnote position on table dividing to separate pages.
TabFootnotesNumberingRule The TabFootnotesNumberingRule enumeration contains footnote numeration rules on going to the tables of other sheets.
TabFormatAlignment The TabFormatAlignment enumeration contains options of horizontal alignment for cell text.
TabFormatAverageType The TabFormatAverageType enumeration contains types of values to be formatted.
TabFormatColorScaleTargetType The TabFormatColorScaleTargetType enumeration is used to determine color scale application.
TabFormatContentType The TabFormatContentType enumeration contains types of cell content by which formatting condition is defined.
TabFormatDlgItems The TabFormatDlgItems enumeration contains values corresponding to elements displayed on pages of formatting dialog box.
TabFormatDlgPages The TabFormatDlgPages enumeration contains values corresponding to pages of formatting dialog box.
TabFormatDuplicateType The TabFormatDuplicateType enumeration contains values that can be formatted.
TabFormatGrowthDirection The TabFormatGrowthDirection enumeration contains variants of the growth indicator construction.
TabFormatLayout The TabFormatLayout enumeration contains options of vertical alignment for cell text.
TabFormatNumericScaleTargetType The TabFormatNumericScaleTargetType enumeration is used to set definition of numeric scale application area.
TabFormatRankType The TabFormatRankType enumeration contains types of values that can be formatted.
TabFormatValuesStyle The TabFormatValuesStyle enumeration contains formatting styles that are used to format cells based on their values.
TabFormatValueType The TabFormatValueType enumeration contains methods of specifying end and intermediate values, for which conditional format is adjusted based on cell values with a certain style.
TabFormatWordWrap The TabFormatWordWrap enumeration contains methods of cell text wrapping.
TabFormatWrapMode The TabFormatWrapMode enumeration contains options of background image overlay in a cell if the image size is less than the area to fill.
TabHyperlinkActionType The TabHyperlinkActionType enumeration contains types of actions triggered by clicking the hyperlink.
TabHyperlinkObjectType The TabHyperlinkObjectType enumeration contains types of elements located in the cell with hyperlink.
TabHyperlinkTarget The TabHyperlinkTarget enumeration contains methods of loading page when following the link.
TabInsertShiftDirection The TabInsertShiftDirection enumeration is used to determine the method for inserting cell range.
TabInteractiveSelectionType The TabInteractiveSelectionType enumeration contains types of events which visually move selected cell area in the table.
TabMargin The TabMargin enumeration contains border options for which a margin can be defined.
TabNumberStyle The TabNumberStyle enumeration contains styles of the numbers which can be used for footnote numeration.
TabObjectAction The TabObjectAction enumeration contains types of actions performed on table object.
TabObjectActivationMode The TabObjectActivationMode enumeration contains modes of activating table objects.
TabObjectChangeType The TabObjectChangeType enumeration is used to determine the type of change on an object.
TabObjectFlip The TabObjectFlip enumeration contains types of table object flipping.
TabObjectInteractiveRestrictions The TabObjectInteractiveRestrictions enumeration is used to determine move and resize modes that are not available for an object.
TabObjectMovementMode The TabObjectMovementMode enumeration contains modes of object movement and resizing.
TabObjectsAdjustment The TabObjectsAdjustment enumeration contains methods that are used to adjust size of selected elements.
TabObjectsAlignment The TabObjectsAlignment enumeration contains methods that are used to align multiple selected objects.
TabPasteMode The TabPasteMode enumeration contains special paste modes.
TabPattern The TabPattern enumeration contains cell background patterns.
TabPictureHorizontalAlignment The TabPictureHorizontalAlignment enumeration contains options for horizontal alignment of cell image.
TabPictureVerticalAlignment The TabPictureVerticalAlignment enumeration contains options for vertical alignment of cell image.
TabRangeAdjustHeightFlags The TabRangeAdjustHeightFlags enumeration contains options of adjusting row height.
TabRangeCombineMode The TabRangeCombineMode enumeration contains types of changes executed for table elements ranges.
TabRangeFillType The TabRangeFillType enumeration contains methods of range populating.
TabRangeToArrayFlags The TabRangeToArrayFlags enumeration contains checkboxes to transform range.
TabRangeType The TabRangeType enumeration contains range types.
TabRowColumnResizeType The TabRowColumnResizeType enumeration contains types of actions which result in table rows or columns' resizing.
TabSelectionMovementDirection The TabSelectionMovementDirection enumeration contains directions in which selection can move on pressing ENTER.
TabSelectionStyle The TabSelectionStyle enumeration contains methods that are used to select table cells.
TabTableCleanPart The TabTableCleanPart enumeration contains variants of cleared table area.
TabTablePredefinedStyle The TabTablePredefinedStyle enumeration contains table formatting styles.
TabUpdateFlags The TabUpdateFlags enumeration contains table update modes.
TabUserInteractiveSelectionChangeType The TabUserInteractiveSelectionChangeType enumeration contains interactive range border change constraint options.
TabViewArea The TabViewArea enumeration contains table areas that can contain a point.
TabViewEventGroups The TabViewEventGroups enumeration is used to determine groups of events fired for table.
TabViewScrollBars The TabViewScrollBars enumeration contains options of scrollbar displaying.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces | Tab Assembly Classes | Tab Assembly Static Methods | Tab Assembly Delegates