

The TabObjectInteractiveRestrictions enumeration is used to determine move and resize modes that are not available for an object.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. There are no limitations for moving and resizing an object.
1 MoveHorizontal. Horizontal moving of object is denied.
2 MoveVertical. Vertical moving of object is denied.
4 ResizeTop. Object resizing by moving the top border is denied.
8 ResizeLeft. Object resizing by moving the left border is denied.
16 ResizeRight. Object resizing by moving the right border is denied.
32 ResizeBottom. Object resizing by moving the bottom border is denied.
64 Rotate. Object rotation is denied.


To use several enumeration values, specify them simultaneously via the Or operator.

See also:

Tab Assembly Enumerations