

The TabFormatDlgItems enumeration contains values corresponding to elements displayed on pages of formatting dialog box.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 NotImplemented. Reserved for internal use.
1 BkColor. Background color.
2 PatternColor. Background pattern color.
3 PatternType. Pattern.
4 HorizontalAlignment. Horizontal alignment.
5 VerticalAlignment. Vertical alignment.
6 TextWrap. Text wrapping.
7 Margins. Indents.
8 Cursor. Cursor.
9 UserFormat. Custom format.
10 Binding. Editor settings.
11 FontCharset. Character set.
12 FontName. Font name.
13 FontSize. Font size.
14 FontColor. Text color.
15 FontBold. Bold font
16 FontItalic. Italics.
17 FontUnderline. Underlined text.
18 FontStrikeOut.  Strike-through.
19 TextAngle. Text rotation angle.
20 Borders. Border style.
21 Category. Format categories.
22 Locked. Protection.
23 Printable. Print.
24 ActiveEditor. Show editor only on activated cell
25 FormulaHidden. Hide formula.
26 Unselectable. Deny selection.

See also:

Tab Assembly Enumerations