

The TabFormatDlgPages enumeration contains values corresponding to pages of formatting dialog box.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 CellView. The Filling page.
1 CellAlignment. The Alignment page.
2 CellFormat. The Number Format page.
3 CellFont.The Font page.
4 CellBorders. The Borders page.
5 CellProtect. A group of elements that are used to set up cell protection. It is displayed on theOther page.
6 CellConditionFormat. The page where the user can set up conditional format settings.
7 CellProtectEmpty. The Other page with cell protection settings group, settings to replace empty and zero cells and print options.
8 CellFillImage. Group of elements to set up filling with image. It is displayed on the Filling page.

See also:

Tab Assembly Enumerations