

The TabFontCharset enumeration contains font encodings.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
.1 Undefined. undefined encoding value.
0 ANSI. ASCII encoding.
1 System. Extended ASCII encoding.
2 Symbol. Character encoding.
128 Shiftjis. Japanese.
129 Hangeul. Korean.
134 GB2321. Chinese (continental China).
136 ChineseBig5. Chinese (Hong Kong and Taiwan).
161 Greek. Greek encoding.
162 Turkish. Turkish.
163 Vietnamese. Vietnamese.
177 Hebrew. Hebrew.
178 Arabic. Arabic.
186 Baltic. Baltic languages.
204 Russian. Russian (Cyrillic).
222 Thai. Thai.
238 EastEurope. Eastern Europe.
255 OEM. Extended ASCII encoding.

See also:

Tab Assembly Enumerations