
Assembly: Tab;


The ITabSheet interface contains properties and methods of a table.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Tables are used in regular and express reports and are implemented by the following UiTabSheet development environment component and the following visual component TabSheetBox.


  Property name Brief description
BackgroundPicture The BackgroundPicture property determines a background image of the entire table.
Cell The Cell property returns the cell, which coordinates are passed as input parameters.
CellAddress The CellAddress property returns the address of the cell, which coordinates are passed as input parameters.
CellComment The CellComment property determines the cell comment.
CellHint The CellHint property determines the tooltip for the specified cell.
CellPrefix The CellPrefix property determines the table cell prefix.
Cells The Cells property returns the cell range, which coordinates are passed as input parameters.
CellSuffix The CellSuffix property determines a table cell suffix.
CellValue The CellValue property sets the value of the cell, which coordinates are passed as input parameters.
Column The Column returns the table column.
ColumnIndex The ColumnIndex property returns the index of the table column, which name is passed as an input parameter.
ColumnName The ColumnName property returns the address of the table column, which number is passed as an input parameter.
ColumnPixelWidth The ColumnPixelWidth property determines the column width in pixels.
Columns The Columns property returns the table columns range.
ColumnsCount The ColumnsCount property determines the number of table columns.
ColumnWidth The ColumnWidth property returns the column width in millimeters.
CustomSort The CustomSort property determines parameters of configured sorting in a table using various sorting conditions.
DefaultHeight The DefaultHeight property determines the default height of rows.
DefaultWidth The DefaultWidth property determines the default width of columns.
EnableFormulas The EnableFormulas property determines whether formulas are calculated in cells.
ErrorCheckingOptions The ErrorCheckingOptions property returns parameters of error indicating in table formulas.
EventMask The EventMask property determines, which event groups will be called for the table.
ExpanderKind The ExpanderKind property returns the action area of the expander located in the cell with specified coordinates.
ExpanderLength The ExpanderLength property returns the number of rows or columns affected by the expander.
ExpanderOffPicture The ExpanderOffPicture property determines index of the icon corresponding to collapsed expander ().
ExpanderOnPicture The ExpanderOnPicture property determines index of the icon corresponding to expanded expander ().
ExpanderState The ExpanderState property determines expander state in a cell.
Footnotes The Footnotes property returns the collection of table footnotes.
FormatConditions The FormatConditions property returns the collection of conditional formats applied to some table cell ranges.
FormulaCollection The FormulaCollection property returns the table formula regions collection.
HyperlinkFont The HyperlinkFont property determines parameters of hyperlinks formatting in table cells.
Images The Images property returns the object containing table images collection.
MaxNotEmptyColumn The MaxNotEmptyColumn property returns the maximum index of column that contains data.
MaxNotEmptyRow The MaxNotEmptyRow property returns the maximum index of row that contains data.
MaxUsedColumn The MaxUsedColumn property returns the maximum index of a used table column.
MaxUsedRow The MaxUsedRow property returns the maximum index of a used table row.
Modified The Modified property determines whether the table is modified.
Name The Name property determines a spreadsheet name.
NamedRegions The NamedRegions property allows to get access to table named regions.
Objects The Objects property returns the collection of objects implemented in the ITabObjects interface.
Options The Options property returns the object containing table parameters.
PageSettings The PageSettings property determines page settings.
Regions The Regions property returns the object containing table regions collection.
Row The Row property returns table row.
RowHeight The RowHeight property returns cell height in millimeters.
RowPixelHeight The RowPixelHeight property determines cell height in pixels.
Rows The Rows property returns table rows range.
RowsCount The RowsCount determines the number of table rows.
Sparklines The Sparklines property returns the collection of sparklines displayed in the table.
StyleSheet The StyleSheet property returns the table formatting styles collection.
Table The Table property returns the range that includes the entire table.
TableStyles The TableStyles property allows to get access to table styles.
UndoRedo The UndoRedo property determines parameters of the Undo/Redo stack in the table.
View The View property returns the view of a spreadsheet.


  Method name Brief description
AddStyle The AddStyle method adds a new formatting style.
AdjustCellAddress The AdjustCellAddress method adjusts relative cell address.
AdjustFormula The AdjustFormula method adjusts cell formula.
AdjustRangeAddress The AdjustRangeAddress method adjusts the relative cell range address during moving a formula.
BeginUpdate The BeginUpdate method disables some of the table functions to reduce the time required to update and process table data.
Clear The Clear method clears the entire spreadsheet.
ClearPart The ClearPart method clears the specified table area.
Copy The Copy method copies the selected cells of the spreadsheet to clipboard.
CreateCellSearch The CreateCellSearch method creates an object, which searches for a table cell.
CreateColumnSearch The CreateColumnSearch method creates an object, which searches for a table column.
CreateExpander The CreateExpander method creates an expander in a cell.
CreatePrinter The CreatePrinter method creates an object that prints a table.
CreateRowSearch The CreateRowSearch method creates an object, which searches for a table row.
Cut The Cut method cuts the selected spreadsheet cells and places them to clipboard.
DeleteColumns The DeleteColumns method deletes the specified number of columns.
DeleteRows The DeleteRows method deletes the specified number of rows.
EndUpdate The EndUpdate method resumes standard mode of working for the table.
InsertColumns The InsertColumns method inserts the specified number of columns.
InsertRows The InsertRows method inserts the specified number of rows.
LoadStyleSheetFromXml The LoadStyleSheetFromXml method loads the collection of table styles from the row in the XML format.
PackStyles The PackStyles method deletes duplicate and unused internal table styles.
ParseCell The ParseCell method parses the cell absolute address.
ParseCellEx The ParseCellEx method gets a cell in the table range.
ParseRange The ParseRange method gets a cell range.
ParseRangeEx The ParseRangeEx method gets a cell range, which address is passed as the Address input parameter, and the region, in which the required range is located - as the Base parameter.
Paste The Paste method pastes data from clipboard to the selected table region.
PasteEx The PasteEx method executes special paste.
PasteInRange The PasteInRange method pastes data from the clipboard to the current cell range area.
PasteInRangeEx The PasteInRangeEx method pastes special data from the clipboard to the current cell range area.
Recalc The Recalc method recalculates the spreadsheet.
SaveStyleSheetToXml The SaveStyleSheetToXml method saves the collection of table formatting styles to the row in the XML format.
SetDefaultHyperlinkFont The SetDefaultHyperlinkFont method is used to set parameters for default hyperlink formatting.

See also:

Tab Assembly Interfaces