NormDist(Value: Double; Mean: Double; StandartDeviation: Double; Cumulative: Boolean): Double;
Value. The value for which the distribution is set.
Mean. Arithmetic mean of the distribution.
StandartDeviation. Standard deviation of the distribution. Value must satisfy the following constraint: StandartDeviation > 0.
Cumulative. Boolean value that defines function form:
When the value is True the NormDist function returns cumulative distribution function.
If the value is False, the function returns the distribution density function.
The NormDist method returns the normal distribution function for the specified mean and standard deviation.
This function is widely used in statistics, including hypothesis testing.
Sub UserProc;
st: Statistics;
d0, d1: Double;
st := New Statistics.Create;
d0 := st.NormDist(12, 3, 2.5, True);
d1 := st.NormDist(12, 3, 2.5, False);
If st.Status <> 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine(" Distribution integral function: " + d0.ToString);
Debug.WriteLine(" Distribution density function: " + d0.ToString);
End If;
End Sub UserProc;
Executing this example shows the calculation results in the console window.
Module execution started
Distribution integral function: 0.99984089140984245
Distribution density function: 0.00024476077204550875
Module execution finished
See also: