Web Application and Desktop Application

Foresight Analytics Platform supports work in the web application and the desktop application. Working with tolls in applications is identical, the existing differences are given in notes of the help system.

Getting Started

The Getting Started section describes start of Foresight Analytics Platform.

Data Connection and Preparation

The Data Connection and Preparation section describes how to organize a data warehouse of any complexity and architecture or set to the existing warehouse.

Data Analysis and Building Reports

The Data Analysis and Building Reports section describes how to work with tools designed for data analysis and report building. As a result of analysis the set of reports is formed including interactive ones, which are used to pass data to end users: managers, analysts, and so on.

Advanced Analytics

The Advanced Analytics section describes how to work with tools designed for advanced data analysis.

Process and Task Management

The Process and Task Management section describes how to work with tools designed to manage processes and tasks.

Visual Designing of Business Applications

The Visual Designing of Business Applications section describes visual designing of application systems of the BI and BPM classes based on Foresight Analytics Platform.

Administration and Access Control

The Administration and Access Control section contains description of the Foresight Analytics Platform security management.

Transfer of Objects Between Repositories and Their Update

The Transfer of Objects Between Repositories and Their Update section contains description of the Foresight Analytics Platform update manager.

Application Development and Application Functionality Enhancement

The Application Development and Application Functionality Enhancement section describes how to work with tools designed to develop application systems. Application system can be developed as desktop application, web application or as a set of several systems, for example, bunch of web application and web portal.


The Reference section describes main principles of work with Foresight Analytics Platform.