Application Development and Functionality Enhancement

Foresight Analytics Platform has tools that can be used for development of application systems. An application system can be developed as a desktop application, web application or as a combination of several systems, for example, a bunch of web application and web portal.

The Foresight Analytics Platform tools enable the user to create a data warehouse, objects for analysis and visualize data. Built-in tools enable the user to provide the required communication between different objects. Available extensions (Calculation Algorithms, Business Process Management, Interactive Data Entry Forms, Designer of Business Applications) enable the user to solve some standard problems related to planning and management of business processes.

If it is required to solve non-standard problems, to customize the existing interface, to improve behavior of existing tools or to develop a specific data processing and view method, Foresight Analytics Platform allows for developing user-defined macros and application forms. Macros handle object events or implement custom functions that execute some actions for data processing or presentation. Forms allow for creating user-defined applications with visual interface corresponding to the problem to be solved. The development is executed in the built-in development environment. To enhance web application capabilities, the API is implemented that can be used in third-party development environments.

Before starting development, study general rules and concept of object selection for development.

Developing in Development Environment

The Developing in Development Environment section contains description of general methods used for developing application projects, and also description of programming language and development environment used for these purposes.

Developing Web Application Using DHTML Components

The Developing Web Application Using DHTML Components section contains description of general methods used for developing application projects as web applications, and also description of DHTML components and web service used for these purposes.

Integration with IBM WebSphere Portal

The Integration with IBM WebSphere Portal section contains description of integration of Foresight Analytics Platform tools with IBM WebSphere Portal to be able to display reports one a portal page and work with them.