Ceiling(Value: Double; Precision: Double): Double;
Value. Rounded real number.
Precision. The multiple, up to which the value must be rounded.
The Ceiling method rounds up the number to the nearest number, which is a multiple of precision.
Parameter values cannot be empty.
If a number and precision are positive, the value is rounded up.
If a number and precision are negative, the value is rounded up.
If a number is negative and precision is positive, the value is rounded up.
To execute the example, add a link to the MathFin system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
r1, r2, r3: Double;
r1 := Math.Ceiling(1.5,0.1);
r2 := Math.Ceiling(-2.5,-2);
r3 := Math.Ceiling(-2.5,2);
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window displays rounding results:
Number and precision are positive: 1.5.
Number and precision are negative: -4.
Number is negative and precision is positive: -2.
See also: