
Integer: MathFin;


The IMath interface contains properties and methods that implement mathematical functions.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
ErrorMsg The ErrorMsg property returns the error information message.
Status The Status property returns an error code.


  Method name Brief description
Abs The Abs method returns absolute value (module) of number.
AbsD The AbsD method returns the absolute value (module) of a high-precision decimal number.
AbsI The AbsI method returns the absolute value (module) of an integer number.
ACos The ACos method returns the arccosine of a number.
ACosH The ACosH method returns the hyperbolic arccosine of the specified number.
ACot The ACot method returns the arccotangent of value.
ACotH The ACotH method returns the hyperbolic arc cotangent of the specified value.
ASin The ASin method returns the arcsine of the number.
ASinH The ASinH method returns hyperbolic arcsine of the specified number.
ATan The ATan method returns the arctangent of a number.
ATan2 The ATan2 method returns the arctangent for specified X and Y coordinates.
ATanH The ATanH method returns the hyperbolic arctangent of the specified number.
Average The Average method returns arithmetic average of its arguments.
AverageI The AverageI method returns arithmetic average of integer arguments.
Ceiling The Ceiling method rounds up the number to the nearest number, which is a multiple of precision.
CeilingD The CeilingD method rounds up the number to the nearest high-precision number, which is a multiple of precision.
CeilingI The CeilingI method rounds up the number to the nearest integer, which is a multiple of precision.
CholeskyDecomposition The CholeskyDecomposition method returns Cholesky decomposition result.
Combin The Combin method returns the number of combinations for the specified number of objects.
Cos The Cos method returns a cosine for the specified angle.
CosH The CosH method returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified number.
Cot The Cot method returns the cotangent of the specified angle.
CotH The CotH method returns the hyperbolic cotangent of the specified value.
Create The Create method creates an instance of interface object.
Degrees The Degrees method returns the value, converted from radians to degrees.
DivD The DivD method returns an integer part of the quotient ion dividing of two decimal high-precision numbers.
Even The Even method rounds the specified value to the nearest even integer.
Exp The Exp method returns the Euler number raised to the specified power.
Fact The Fact method returns a number factorial.
Floor The Floor method rounds down the number to the nearest number, which is a multiple of precision.
FloorD The FloorD method returns the result of rounding down to the nearest high-precision number that is the multiple of precision.
FloorI The FloorI method rounds down to the nearest integer that is multiple of precision.
Gcd The Gcd method returns greatest common divisor.
Int The Int method rounds the specified number down to the nearest integer.
IntD The IntD method rounds the specified decimal high-precision number to the nearest least integer.
Lcm The Lcm method returns the least common multiple.
Ln The Ln method returns a natural logarithm of number.
Log The Log method returns a logarithm of the number by the specified base.
Log10 The Log10 method returns a base-10 logarithm of the number.
Max The Max method returns the maximum value from the specified set of values.
MaxI The MaxI method returns the maximum integer value from the specified set of values.
MDeterm The MDeterm method returns the determinant of the specified matrix.
Min The Min method returns the minimum value from a specified set of values.
MinI The MinI method returns the minimum integer value from a specified set of values.
MInverse The MInverse method returns a reverse matrix for the specified array.
MMult The MMult method returns a product of set matrices.
Mod_ The Mod_ method returns the remainder from dividing of two decimal numbers.
ModD The ModD method returns the remainder from dividing of two decimal high-precision numbers.
Mqr The Mqr method returns the result of QR-decomposition of a real matrix.
MRound The MRound method returns a number rounded with the specified precision.
Msvd The Msvd method returns the result of singular decomposition of a real matrix.
Mtranspose The Mtranspose method returns transposed array.
Multinomial The Multinominal method returns the ratio of the factorial of the sum of values to the factorials product.
Odd The Odd method rounds the specified value to the nearest odd integer.
Pi The Pi method returns a Pi number (3,14159265358979) truncated to 14 decimal places.
Power The Power method returns the result of raising a real number to power.
PowerI The PowerI method returns the result of raising an integer number to power.
Product The Product method returns the product of all number of the set array.
Quotient The Quotient method returns the integer part of the dividend on dividing of two decimal numbers.
Radians The Radians method returns the value transformed from degrees to radians.
Rand The Rand method returns a random uniformly distributed real number within the range [0; 1).
RandBetween The RandBetween method returns a random number within the range between two set values.
RandBetweenI The RandBetweenI method returns a random integer number between two specified numbers.
RndPermutation The RndPermutation method performs pseudorandom permutation of an array.
RndSample The RndSample method performs pseudorandom sampling from the array.
Roman The Roman method transforms an Arabic number to a Roman number in text format.
Round The Round method returns the result of rounding a number to the specified number of decimal places.
RoundD The RoundD method returns the result of rounding down a decimal high-precision number to the specified number of decimal places.
RoundDDown The RoundDDown method returns the result of rounding a decimal high-precision number to the nearest value, less by module.
RoundDown The RoundDown method returns the result of rounding to the nearest value, less by module.
RoundDUp The RoundDUp method returns the result of rounding of a high-precision decimal number to the nearest value, greater by module.
RoundUp The RoundUp method returns the number, rounded to the nearest value, greater by module.
SeriesSum The SeriesSum method returns the sum of the power series.
Sign The Sign method returns the sign of a real number.
SignI The SignI method returns the sign of an integer.
Sin The Sin method returns the sine of the specified angle.
SinH The SinH method returns a hyperbolic sine of the specified number.
Sqrt The Sqrt method returns the square root of the specified value.
SqrtPi The SqrtPi method returns a square root from the result of the "Value * "Pi"" expression.
Sum The Sum method returns the sum of elements of the specified array.
SumD The SumD method returns the sum of high-precision decimal numbers of the specified array.
SumI The SumI method returns the sum of elements (integers) of the specified array.
SumProduct The SumProduct method multiplies the corresponding elements of the specified arrays and returns the sum of products.
SumSq The SumSq method returns the sum of squares of arguments.
SumSqD The SumSqD method returns the sum of squares of high-precision decimal numbers.
SumX2MY2 The SumX2MY2 method returns the sum of differences between squares of the corresponding values in two arrays.
SumX2PY2 The SumX2PY2 method returns the sum of square sums of the corresponding values in two arrays.
SumXMY2 The SumXMY2 method returns the sum of squares of differences of the corresponding values in two arrays.
Tan The Tan method returns the tangent of the specified angle.
TanH The TanH method returns hyperbolic tangent of the specified number.
Trunc The Trunc method truncates variable points to selected number of decimal places.

See also:

MathFin Assembly Interfaces