To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Setting Up Appearance

To set up ready data entry form appearance:

  1. Set up display type.

  2. Set up formatting.

  3. Set up displayed indicators.

Settings of display type, formatting and displayed indicators of data entry form are related to custom settings. On viewing ready data entry form it is available to save configured display type, formatting and displayed indicators of data entry form.

After the data entry form appearance setup is finished, if required, follow the step:

Setting Up Form Display Type

To set up form display type, follow the steps:

  1. Set up zoom.

  2. Set up markup.

  3. Set up row/column sizes.

  4. Set up working area elements display.

  5. Display the Processes panel and tab.

To set up, use the View ribbon tab.

Change zoom

Freeze areas

Show graphical interface elements

Fit rows or columns sizes

Display the Process panel and tab

Setting Up Displayed Indicators

To set up displayed indicators in the table area on viewing ready data entry form, use the Indicators Structure dialog box. This setting is custom, that is, the indicators contents and order configured using this dialog box will be saved for the user and will be displayed on viewing only for this user. To open the dialog box, select the table area cells and click the Indicators Structure button on the Table ribbon tab:

The dialog box displays the list of table area indicators with private dimensions and dimensions displayed to the heading. Indicators that are used as filters are not displayed in the list.

To hide indicators, private dimensions of indicators and dimensions displayed to the heading, deselect the checkbox next to them.

To reorder displayed indicators, indicators' private dimensions and dimensions in the heading, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

To save settings, select the Data Entry/Output Form > Save main menu item.

To restore default settings, click the Clear button.

If on editing data entry form, the aggregation of fixed dimensions was set for table area, then when hiding indicators dimensions, the selection by elements of hidden dimensions remains unchanged and values will be aggregated. If aggregation was disabled, the first element from the current selection of hidden dimensions will be selected. When dimensions visibility is enabled, the selection is restored to the one before hiding.

When hiding indicators dimensions, the specified settings of filtering remain unchanged.

See also:

Getting Started with the Interactive Data Entry Forms in the Web Application | Working with Ready Data Entry Form