Custom Settings of Data Entry Form

When working with ready data entry form, settings can be changed and saved for each user separately. The settings saved for a specific user are called custom settings. On the next data entry form opening for viewing it will be displayed according to saved setting for this specific user.

NOTE. Changing of custom settings of data entry form depends on the value of the IsUserDataEnabled parameter contained in the registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\Reporter\Options].

Initially, the data entry firm view on viewing and editing is the same. On saving custom settings, the data entry form view on viewing will differ from data entry view on editing.

The following settings are custom:

NOTE. If on editing data entry form, the parameter was deleted or parameter source was changed, then on viewing data entry form saved parameter values will be reset.

NOTE. If on editing data entry form cell autofit was set up, then on viewing data entry form it will be unavailable to save changed row and column width.

To change custom settings in data entry form, create the IsUserDataEnabled parameter of the REG_DWORD type with the 1 value in the registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\Reporter\Options] on the user local computer.

Available values:

IMPORTANT. Changing of custom settings may reduce system performance and slow down opening of data entry form.

To save changed custom settings in data entry form, select the Data Entry/Output Form > Save main menu item. Next, time data entry form opens for view, it displays the last saved custom settings.

To reset all custom settings and return to unmodified state of data entry form, click the Reset All Settings button on the Home ribbon tab. When data entry form opens for view, it displays the last saved settings after editing.

NOTE. The Reset All Settings button is always active, regardless of the custom settings.

See also:

Getting Started with the Interactive Data Entry Forms in the Web Application | Working with Ready Data Entry Form