To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.

Setting Up Indicators Structure

The indicators structure includes elements that must be displayed in the table area heading.

To set up indicators structure of table area, use the Indicators Structure page of the Table Area Wizard dialog box:

Indicators structure

Elements of the Indicators Structure page

NOTE. If transposing was applied, in the area of structure additional settings the checkbox will be named Numbering of Rows, the other settings remain unchanged.

To set up indicators structure:

  1. Select elements in shared dimensions and in heading indicators dimensions.

  2. Select the dimension attribute that will be displayed in the heading.

  3. Add calculated indicators.

  4. Use additional settings of indicators structure.

  5. Use additional settings of heading.

  6. Set up parameter management if parametric objects are used.

After table area heading structure is set up, go to the Select Calculation Algorithms stage or finish creating the table area by clicking the Finish button.

See also:

Getting Started with the Interactive Data Entry Forms Extension in the Web Application | Building Data Entry Form| Setting Up Table Area | Working with Ready Data Entry Form