Selecting Elements in Shared Dimensions and Indicator Dimensions

When setting up indicators structure in the table area wizard of the data entry form select elements in shared dimension and in heading indicators dimensions in the Data Entry Form Indicators area:

    1. Select a group of elements in the Groups of Elements dimension context menu. Groups of elements selection is not a mandatory step.

    2. Set selection of dimension elements. To do this:


TIP. For details about setting up dynamic selection of alternative hierarchy depending on parameter attribute, see the How to Set Up Dynamic Changing of Displayed Sidehead Dimension Elements article.

If dictionary or parameter attribute is not selected as an alternative hierarchy data source, clicking the OK button applies the main hierarchy.

If the dictionary attribute that was set as an alternative hierarchy key, is deleted, the first opening of the data entry form displays the message about deleting attribute and applying the main hierarchy for change.

TIP. For details about restriction of available values of indicator private dimension, see the Advanced Settings of Indicators Structure article.

Execute these operations for each indicator dimension and shared dimension. After executing the operations display dimension attribute in the heading.

NOTE. The Alternative Hierarchies, Selection Schema, Groups of Elements items are available if alternative hierarchies, selection schema, group of elements.

Order of Applying Alternative Hierarchy, Group of Elements, Selection Schemas and Advanced Filter

If on setting up heading dimension elements, the alternative hierarchy, group of elements, advanced filter and selection schema were selected, they will be applied in the following order:

  1. Alternative hierarchy.

  2. Group of elements.

  3. Advanced filter.

  4. Selection schema.

See also:

Getting Started with the Interactive Data Entry Forms in the Web Application | Setting Up Table Area | Setting Up Indicators Structure | Displaying Dimension Attribute in Heading