

The Chart class is used to work with a chart displayed on the mobile device screen.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Supported Protocols





animationsStartingEnabled. Determines whether chart animation must be played.

axes. Object that contains chart axes parameters.

axisOffset. Axis offset.

border. Object that determines chart border parameters.

caption. Object that contains chart caption parameters.

chartArea. Object that contains chart area parameters.

dataSource. Chart data source.

delegate. Object that gets the events related to touching a chart.

isAnimationPlaying. Determines whether animation is currently playing.

legend. The object that contains chart legend parameters.

levelLines. Array of chart level lines.

minimalHitRadius. Minimum radius of series point touch area.

name. Chart name.

optimizeFactor. Minimum relation of plot area to chart area, at which elements should be hidden.

optimizeOut. Indicates whether chart elements are hidden.

plotArea. The object that contains parameters of chart plot area.

radialAxis. Chart radial axis.

secondaryAxis. Chart secondary axis.

seriesList. Array of chart series.

timeAxis. Chart timeline.

usingRightToLeft. Determines whether a chart is plotted for the languages with right to left text direction.

xAxis. Chart X axis.

yAxis. Chart Y axis.


addLevelLine:. Adds a level line to the chart.

addSeries:. Adds a series to the chart.

deleteAllLevelLines. Removes all levels lines from the chart.

deleteAllSeries. Removes all series from the chart.

deleteLevelLine:. Removes the specified level line from the chart.

deleteSeries:. Removes the specified series from the chart.

forceDataUpdate. Refreshes chart data.

forceUpdateAnimations. Refreshes parameters of chart elements' animation.

hasLevelLine:. Returns whether the specified level line is in the chart.

hasSeries:. Returns whether the specified data series is in the chart.

initWithName:. Creates a chart with the specified name.

redrawChart. Redraws the chart.

setNeedsRedraw. Determines whether a chart should be redrawn.

Methods inherited from <ChartAnimationDelegate>

animationComplete:. End of animation reproduction.

animationStarted:. Start animation playback.

Methods inherited from <TimeAxisDelegate>

timeAxis:setDoubleIndex:. Gradually change slider position.

timeAxis:setIndex:. Change current position of the slider.

See also:
