

The <ChartDataSource> protocol is used to work with a chart data source.

Inheritance Hierarchy



accumulatedMax. Maximum value for percent axis scale.

accumulatedMin. Minimum value for percent axis scale.

accumulatedSecondaryMax. Maximum value for the scale of secondary percent value axis.

accumulatedSecondaryMin. Minimum value for the scale of secondary percent value axis.

availableSeriesKeys. Array that contains keys of the available series.

currentTimestamp. Current time value, for which the values are displayed.

maxValue. Maximum value.

minValue. Minimum value.

secondaryYMax. Maximum value for secondary axis scale.

secondaryYMin. Minimum value for secondary axis scale.

timestampArray. Values for timeline scale.

timestampTitles. Headings for values of timeline scale.

xMax. Maximum value of the category axis.

xMin. Minimum value of the category axis.

yMax. Maximum value of the value axis.

yMin. Minimum value of the value axis.


secondaryAxisNameForMask:. Returns label of secondary value axis taking into account the specified mask.

seriesDataWithIndex:. Gets an array of values for the specified series.

seriesNameWithIndex:. Returns heading of the specified series.

setStartDataIndexOffset:andEndDataIndexOffset:. Sets data offset limits.

xAxisNameForMask:. Gets label of category axis taking into account the specified mask.

yAxisNameForMask:. Returns value axis label taking into account the specified mask.

See also:
