

The Caption class is used to work with a chart caption.

Inheritance Hierarchy








blockAlignment. Horizontal alignment of caption block.

font. Heading font

maxTextLength. Maximum length of caption text (points).

text. Caption text.

textAlignment. Horizontal alignment of text within caption block.

textColor. Caption font color.

Properties inherited from ChartPlaced

autoMargin. Additional external element margins.

autoPadding. Size of additional element paddings.

background. Element background fill options.

borderColor. Color of element borders.

borderRadius. Radius of rounded corners (points).

borderThickness. Element border width (points).

boundsWithPadding. Actual size of element area (without taking into account paddings).

margin. Size of element margins.

optimizedOut. Determines whether element is hidden.

padding. Size of element paddings.

Properties inherited from ChartObject

animations. An array of animation parameters for chart element.

chart. The chart that includes the visual element.

visible. Indicates whether the visual element is visual.

Methods inherited from ChartPlaced

findChartPointHit:. Returns series point positioned at the specified coordinate.

setFrameForChartPlaced. Sets frame for a chart object.

Methods inherited from ChartObject

addAnimation:. Adds animation for a chart element.

dumpConfigurationToDict. Returns object to which parameters of visual chart element are loaded.

removeAllAnimations. Removes all animation set for a visual chart element.

removeAnimation:. Removes specified animation parameters for chart element.

See also:
