Stock Exchange Chart

A stock exchange charts is mostly used to illustrate changes of stock prices. This chart can also be used to present scientific data. For example, stock exchange charts can be used to show fluctuation of daily and yearly temperatures.

To create a stock exchange chart, correctly arrange output data. Order of series is strictly determined. The following options of series combination are available depending on a chart:

By default, the chart displays:

NOTE. On using the Volume series, the rest of the series are built on the secondary axis. Series location by rows is set automatically.

NOTE. If the Opening Rate series value is greater than the Closing Rate series value, the block is colored with the Closing Rate color, otherwise the block is colored with the Opening Rate series color.

Consider an example of the chart, which uses three series: High Rate, Low Rate, Closing Rate.

The source data "Exchange rate frequency, USD" for the chart:

Stock exchange chart view:

The following settings are available during chart editing:

See also:

Chart Types | Data Visualization as Charts