
Log is used to store the information on ETL tasks execution. In fact, a log is a table with predefined list of fields. The number of fields is fixed, but there is also a possibility to add new fields.

Information on the following operations is saved to log:

To create a log:

After executing the operations the log creation wizard opens.

Determine settings on the pages:

The created log table include the fields:

Working with a Log

To view data, select the corresponding object in the object navigator and execute one of the operations:

After executing one of the operations the corresponding data object opens. For details about principles of work with a data set see the Working with Data Set section.

To view report data in the desktop application:

To import data in the desktop application:

Linking the Log to the ETL Task

To link a log to an ETL task, execute the following operations:

  1. Use the log creation wizard to create a new log.

  2. Open the ETL tasks object to which the log is linked.

  3. Select the Task > Properties item in the ETL task's main menu, after which the ETL task editing wizard will be displayed.

  4. Select the created log on the Task Options wizard page.

See also:

Creating Table Data Sets | ILog