
Assembly: Db;


The ILog interface contains properties and methods of the Log repository object.

Inheritance Hierarchy



when a new log is created, to ensure its correct work, determine the following minimum set of properties in the settings:


  Property name Brief description
Database The Database property determines a database in which the log is stored.
Fields The Fields property returns an object containing all fields of log.
NativeName The NativeName property determines a physical name of log.


  Method name Brief description
AlterLog The AlterLog method updates the table structure of the specified log on database server, according to structure of current log.
CreateLog The CreateLog method creates a log in database on the basis of available metadata.
DropLog The DropLog method removes log from database.
PutRecord The PutRecord method adds a record to the log.
UpdateLog The UpdateLog method updates log table structure in a database.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces | IDatasetModel | IDatasetInstance