Log is used to store the information on ETL tasks execution. In fact, a log is a table with predefined list of fields. The number of fields is fixed, but there is also a possibility to add new fields.
Information on the following operations is saved to log:
Recording the start of ETL task execution.
ETL task execution error.
Skip records.
Add records.
Recording the completion of ETL task execution.
To create a log:
In the object navigator:
In the web application click the Create button in the main menu and select the object type on the New Object side panel.
In the desktop application:
Select the Create > Other > Log context menu item.
Select the New Object > Other > Log item in the Create group on the Home ribbon tab.
In the opened ETL task in the desktop application:
Select the Task > Properties main menu item.
In the opened wizard go to the Task Options page.
Click the Create button.
After executing the operations the log creation wizard opens.
Determine settings on the pages:
Basic Settings/Basic Properties. It is used to set object name, identifier and comment
Properties. Specifies the database where the log must be created as well as physical name of the table, which must correspond to the repository log.
Fields. Forms the list of additional log fields.
The created log table include the fields:
Date (STAMP). Date and time of a certain operation execution.
User (USER_ID). Username.
Operation (OP). Names of executed operations.
Success (OP_SUCC). Operation result (0 if the operation failed or 1 if the operation is successfully completed).
Object Identifier (OBJ_ID). ETL task object identifier.
Object Name (OBJ_NAME). ETL task object name.
Description (DESCR). Description of executed operation.
All user fields determined on the Fields page of the wizard.
To save settings in the log wizard:
In the web application:
Click the Save button.
Select the Save and Close item in the drop-down menu of the Save button. After this the specified settings are saved, the wizard closes, and the data edit mode opens.
NOTE. The Save and Close item is available only on editing the settings.
In the desktop application click the Finish button.
To link a log to an ETL task, execute the following operations:
Use the log creation wizard to create a new log.
Open the ETL tasks object to which the log is linked.
Select the Task > Properties item in the ETL task's main menu, after which the ETL task editing wizard will be displayed.
Select the created log on the Task Options wizard page.
See also: