Restoring Data Caching Work

Incorrect work of data caching is characterized with displaying outdated data on user mobile devices, the disabled button Update when viewing saved caches by parameters, errors and system freeze during cache update, unchanged cache version on successful update.

To restore data caching work on displaying outdated data on user mobile devices relative to the data source:

  1. Determine a project, in which users get outdated data.

  2. Determine a cache that creates outdated data.

  3. Update the found cache in the Cache Control subsection of the corresponding project.

After executing the operations, cache work is restored for the cache, which created outdated data.

If the Update button is disabled when viewing saved caches by parameters, the button state does not change on clicking, restore administrator console work.

If cache update fails with errors or is successful, but cache version does not change, delete cache and add it again in the Cache Control subsection.

If after the Update button is clicked, it changes its state to Pending, and the system freezes, execute one or several operations:

NOTE. The operations are specified one by one: if the system work is not restored after the first operation is executed, execute the second one and so on until the system work is restored.

See also:

System Error Monitoring