Interface | Brief description | |
IMetaAttribute | The IMetaAttribute interface is used to work with an attribute of time series database of time series level or observations. | |
IMetaAttributeGroup | The IMetaAttributeGroup interface is used to work with a group of time series database attributes. | |
IMetaAttributeGroupFilter | The IMetaAttributeGroupFilter interface is used to work with a filter of the group of attributes. | |
IMetaAttributeGroups | The IMetaAttributeGroups interface is used to work with the collection of groups of attributes. | |
IMetaAttributeGroupsSet | The IMetaAttributeGroupsSet interface is used to work with the collection of dictionary attribute groups without ability to add an attribute. | |
IMetaAttributeHierarchySetup | The IMetaAttributeHierarchySetup interface contains properties to set a hierarchy attribute. | |
IMetaAttributeNaming | The IMetaAttributeNaming interface contains properties used to work with an attribute name. | |
IMetaAttributeNamings | The IMetaAttributeNamings interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes names. | |
IMetaAttributes | The IMetaAttributes interface is used to work with a collection of attributes of fact and observation level of time series database. | |
IMetaAttributesCollection | The IMetaAttributesCollection interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes included in the time series database index. | |
IMetaAttributesSet | The IMetaAttributesSet interface contains properties and methods used to work with the set of attributes. | |
IMetaAttributesSubset | The IMetaAttributesSubset interface contains properties and methods used to work with a set of attributes with an ability to add and remove attributes. | |
IMetaAttributeTranslations | The IMetaAttributeTranslations interface contains parameters of time series database attribute translation to different languages. | |
IMetaDataMember | The IMetaDataMember interface contains basic properties used to work with system table record. | |
IMetaDataMemberCollection | The IMetaDataMemberCollection interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of system table records. | |
IMetaDataMemberGroup | The IMetaDataMemberGroup interface is used to work with a group attribute value. | |
IMetaDataMemberRecord | The IMetaDataMemberRecord interface contains properties used to work with a compound system table record. | |
IMetaDataMemberReference | The IMetaDataMemberReference interface contains properties used to work with the reference on system table record. | |
IMetaDataMembers | The IMetaDataMembers interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of system table records without ability to add and delete. | |
IMetaDataMemberSimple | The IMetaDataMemberSimple interface contains properties used to work with a simple system table record. | |
IMetaDataRule | The IMetaDataRule interface contains properties that determine parameters of rules used in time series database dictionary. | |
IMetaDataRules | The IMetaDataRules interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of rules of time series database dictionaries. | |
IMetaDictionary | The IMetaDictionary interface is used to work with time series database system metadictionaries. | |
IMetaDictionaryData | The IMetaDictionaryData interface contains properties and methods used to work with data of time series database. | |
IMetaDictionaryDataInfo | The IMetaDictionaryDataInfo interface is used to work with information on database time series. | |
IMetaDictionaryInstance | The IMetaDictionaryInstance interface is used to work with data on time series database. | |
IMetaDictionaryLookup | The IMetaDictionaryLookup interface contains properties and methods used to search in time series database. | |
IMetaDictionaryTranslations | The IMetaDictionaryTranslations interface is used to work with a collection of settings that contain parameters of time series database dictionaries' translation to different languages. | |
IMetaHierarchy | The IMetaHierarchy interface contains properties used to work with time series database hierarchy. | |
IMetaHierarchyAttributes | The IMetaHierarchyAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with attributes that are included in the hierarchy. | |
IMetaHierarchyInstance | The IMetaHierarchyInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with open elements hierarchy of system dictionary. | |
IMetaHierarchyLevel | The IMetaHierarchyLevel interface contains properties and methods used to work with hierarchy level of system dictionary. | |
IMetaHierarchyLevels | The IMetaHierarchyLevels interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of hierarchy levels. | |
IMetaHierarchyPosition | The IMetaHierarchyPosition interface contains properties used to work with hierarchy position. | |
IMetaIndex | The IMetaIndex interface contains properties and methods used to work with a system table index. | |
IMetaIndexes | The IMetaIndexes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of system table indexes. | |
IMetaMember | The IMetaMember interface contains properties and methods used to work with a hierarchy element. | |
IMetaMemberChildren | The IMetaMemberChildren interface contains properties and methods used to work with children of a hierarchy element. | |
IMetaMemberLeaf | The IMetaMemberLeaf interface contains properties and methods used to work with a leaf element of hierarchy. | |
IMetaMembers | The IMetaMembers interface contains properties and methods used to work with elements set in a position of hierarchy. | |
IMetaMembersSet | The IMetaMembersSet interface is used to work with the set of the system dictionary elements. | |
IMetaMembersTree | The IMetaMembersTree interface contains properties and methods used to work with the tree of system dictionary elements. | |
IMetaRdsExportSchema | The IMetaRdsExportSchema interface is used to work with export schema of MDM dictionary. | |
IMetaRdsImportSchema | The IMetaRdsImportSchema interface is used to work with import scheme of MDM dictionary. | |
IMetaRdsLoader | The IMetaRdsLoader interface contains properties and methods of the object used to automatically create table MDM dictionaries and load data to these dictionaries. | |
IRdsAttribute | The IRdsAttribute interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary attribute. | |
IRdsAttributeInstance | The IRdsAttributeInstance interface contains properties used to work with an attribute of an open dictionary. | |
IRdsAttributes | The IRdsAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes of the MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsAttributesInstance | The IRdsAttributesInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of attributes of an open dictionary. | |
IRdsAttributesList | The IRdsAttributesList interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of attributes, by which values elements are searched. | |
IRdsAttributeTranslation | The IRdsAttributeTranslation interface is used to work with a setting of the MDM dictionary attribute translation. | |
IRdsAttributeTranslations | The IRdsAttributeTranslations interface is used to work with the collection of settings that contain parameters of translation of the MDM dictionary attribute name into different languages. | |
IRdsAttributeType | The IRdsAttributeType interface contains properties of attributes type of the MDM repository. | |
IRdsAttributeTypeFolder | The IRdsAttributeTypeFolder interface contains properties of a folder that contains attribute types. | |
IRdsAttributeTypeFolders | The IRdsAttributeTypeFolders interface contains properties and methods of folders collection of attribute types of the MDM repository. | |
IRdsAttributeTypes | The IRdsAttributeTypes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of attribute types contained in a specified folder. | |
IRdsBaseBinding | The IRdsBaseBinding interface contains basic properties of binding attributes to source fields. | |
IRdsBatchCallback | The IRdsBatchCallback interface is used to process exceptions that occur during execution of batch of the MDM dictionary elements. | |
IRdsBigElements | The IRdsBigElements interface is used to work with dictionaries that support a large number of elements. | |
IRdsCompoundDictionary | The IRdsCompoundDictionary interface contains properties and methods of the Composite MDM Dictionary repository object. | |
IRdsCompoundDictionaryElements | The IRdsCompoundDictionaryElements interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of elements of composite MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsCompoundDictionarySource | The IRdsCompoundDictionarySource interface contains properties of data source of composite MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsCompoundDictionarySources | The IRdsCompoundDictionarySources interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of source dictionaries of the composite MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsDatabase | The IRdsDatabase interface contains properties and methods of the MDM Repository repository object. | |
IRdsDatabaseInstance | The IRdsDatabaseInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with MDM repository data. | |
IRdsDictionary | The IRdsDictionary interface contains properties and methods of the MDM dictionary repository object. | |
IRdsDictionaryBatch | The IRdsDictionaryBatch interface is used to work with a batch the MDM dictionary elements. | |
IRdsDictionaryBatchDelete | The IRdsDictionaryBatchDelete interface is used to work with a batch, which elements should be deleted. | |
IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate | The IRdsDictionaryBatchUpdate interface is used to work with a batch, which elements should be updated. | |
IRdsDictionaryBox | The IRdsDictionaryBox interface contains properties and methods of the RdsDictionaryBox development environment component. | |
IRdsDictionaryBoxColumn | The IRdsDictionaryBoxColumns interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary column that is displayed in the RdsDictionaryBox component. | |
IRdsDictionaryBoxColumns | The IRdsDictionaryBoxColumns interface contains properties of a collection of columns of the MDM dictionary that is displayed in the RdsDictionaryBox component. | |
IRdsDictionaryBoxEventArgs | The IRdsDictionaryBoxEventArgs interface contains properties of events argument of the RdsDictionaryBox component. | |
IRdsDictionaryConverter | The IRdsDictionaryConverter interface is used to convert an MDM dictionary to a table MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsDictionaryConverterList | The IRdsDictionaryConverterList interface is used to work with the list of MDM dictionaries required to convert to table MDM dictionaries. | |
IRdsDictionaryElement | The IRdsDictionaryElement interface contains properties and methods of an MDM dictionary element. | |
IRdsDictionaryElementArray | The IRdsDictionaryElementArray interface contains properties used to work with an array that contains element keys. | |
IRdsDictionaryElementData | The IRdsDictionaryElementData interface contains properties of access to data of MDM dictionary element attributes. | |
IRdsDictionaryElementDependents | The IRdsDictionaryElementDependents interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of dependencies on the MDM dictionary elements. | |
IRdsDictionaryElementHistory | The IRdsDictionaryElementHistory interface contains properties used to work with a history of value changes of MDM dictionary elements. | |
IRdsDictionaryElementList | The IRdsDictionaryElementList interface contains properties used to work with a collection of elements. | |
IRdsDictionaryElements | The IRdsDictionaryElements interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary elements. | |
IRdsDictionaryElementsLookup | The IRdsDictionaryElementsLookup interface contains properties and methods used to search elements in the MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsDictionaryElementsSearch | The IRdsDictionaryElementsSearch interface contains properties and methods used to search elements of the MDM dictionary with advanced search settings. | |
IRdsDictionaryFilterCondition | The IRdsDictionaryFilterCondition interface is used to work with a filter, by which dictionary elements are selected. | |
IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions | The IRdsDictionaryFilterConditions interface is used to work with the collection of filters, by which dictionary elements are selected. | |
IRdsDictionaryInstance | The IRdsDictionaryInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with MDM dictionary data. | |
IRdsDictionarySet | The IRdsDictionarySet interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of a dictionary, which data should be synchronized. | |
IRdsDictionarySource | The IRdsDictionarySource interface contains properties used to access data of the MDM dictionary displayed in the RdsDictionaryBox component. | |
IRdsDictionaryTranslation | The IRdsDictionaryTranslation interface is used to work with translation parameters of the MDM dictionary into a certain language. | |
IRdsDictionaryTranslations | The IRdsDictionaryTranslations interface is used to work with the collection of settings that contain parameters of the MDM dictionary translation into different languages. | |
IRdsDictionaryUpdateExParams | The IRdsDictionaryUpdateExParams interface is used to determine MDM dictionary update parameters. | |
IRdsElementComparer | The RdsElementComparer interface implements methods of custom sorting of the MDM dictionary elements. | |
IRdsElementsIterator | TheIRdsElementsIterator interface is used to work with the iterator intended to navigate dictionary elements. | |
IRdsElementsSorter | The IRdsElementsSorter interface contains properties and methods of the MDM dictionary elements sorting. | |
IRdsExportSchema | The IRdsExportSchema interface contains properties and methods used to work with an MDM dictionary export scheme. | |
IRdsExportSchemaAttribute | The IRdsExportSchemaAttribute interface contains properties that determine parameters of binding of a dictionary attribute to fields of an export table. | |
IRdsExportSchemas | The IRdsExportSchemas interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary export schemes. | |
IRdsImportedBinding | The IRdsImportedBinding interface contains properties of imported attributes' bindings. | |
IRdsImportSchema | The IRdsImportSchema interface contains properties and methods used to work with an MDM dictionary import scheme. | |
IRdsImportSchemaAttribute | The IRdsImportSchemaAttribute interface contains properties that determine parameters of binding of a dictionary attribute to import table fields. | |
IRdsImportSchemas | The IRdsImportSchemas interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary import schemes. | |
IRdsLevel | The IRdsLevel interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary level. | |
IRdsLevels | The IRdsLevels interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary levels. | |
IRdsLink | The IRdsLink interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary link with the other dictionary. | |
IRdsLinkedBinding | The IRdsLinkedBinding interface contains properties of bindings for the attributes used to establish a link to other table MDM dictionaries. | |
IRdsLinkInstance | The IRdsLinksInstance interface contains properties used to work with a link of the open MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsLinks | The IRdsLinks interface contains properties and methods of a collection of MDM dictionary links. | |
IRdsLinksInstance | The IRdsLinksInstance interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of links of the open MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsLoaderBindings | The IRdsLoaderBindings interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of bindings used on creating MDM dictionaries and loading data to them. | |
IRdsMergeCallback | The IRdsMergeCallback interface contains methods that implement events that appear during synchronization of a dictionary in the MDM repository. | |
IRdsNonUniqueKey | The IRdsNonUniqueKey interface is used to work with a non-unique key of MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsNonUniqueKeys | The IRdsNonUniqueKeys interface is used to work with a collection of non-unique keys of MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsNotConvertibleReason | The IRdsNotConvertibleReason interface is used to work with the reason, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsNotConvertibleReasonConverterConstraint | The IRdsNotConvertibleReasonConverterConstraint interface is used to work with the reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary; these reasons are related with converter constraints. | |
IRdsNotConvertibleReasonDuplicatedId | The IRdsNotConvertibleReasonDuplicatedId interface is used to work with the reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary; these reasons are related with duplicate identifiers. | |
IRdsNotConvertibleReasonIncorrectStructure | The IRdsNotConvertibleReasonIncorrectStructure interface is used to work with the reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary; these reasons are related with incorrect structure of dictionary. | |
IRdsNotConvertibleReasonMetaDictionaryConstraint | The IRdsNotConvertibleReasonMetaDictionaryConstraint interface is used to work with the reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary; these reasons are related with constraints of table MDM dictionary structure. | |
IRdsNotConvertibleReasons | The IRdsNotConvertibleReasons interface is used to work with collection of reasons, due to which MDM dictionary cannot be converted to table MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsParam | The IRdsParam interface contains MDM dictionary parameter. | |
IRdsParams | The IRdsParams interface contains properties and methods of a collection of MDM dictionary parameters. | |
IRdsParamsControl | The IRdsParamsControl interface contains properties and methods used to set up binding of parameters of a parametric dictionary on setting a link to it. | |
IRdsParamsControlInstance | The IRdsParamsControlInstance interface contains properties used to control parameter values of a linked dictionary. | |
IRdsParamType | The IRdsParamType interface contains properties of the MDM repository parameter types. | |
IRdsParamTypeFolder | The IRdsParamTypeFolder interface contains properties of a folder that contains parameter types. | |
IRdsParamTypeFolders | The IRdsParamTypeFolders interface contains properties and methods of folders collection of the MDM repository parameter types. | |
IRdsParamTypes | The IRdsParamTypes interface contains properties and methods of a collection of parameter types contained in a specified folder. | |
IRdsParamValue | The IRdsParamValue interface contains properties used to specify a value of a parameter, with which a dictionary is opened. | |
IRdsParamValues | The IRdsParamValues interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of parameters values used on opening an MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsPredefinedBinding | The IRdsPredefinedBinding interface contains properties of bindings for system attributes of table MDM dictionaries. | |
IRdsReplicator | The IRdsReplicator interface contains properties and methods used to synchronize MDM repository dictionaries. | |
IRdsSegment | The IRdsSegment interface contains properties of the MDM dictionary segment. | |
IRdsSegments | The IRdsSegments interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary segments. | |
IRdsSortAttribute | The IRdsSortAttribute interface contains properties of attribute of the MDM dictionary elements sorting. | |
IRdsSortAttributes | The IRdsSortAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with the collection of attributes of the MDM dictionary elements sorting. | |
IRdsTranslationBinding | The IRdsTranslationBinding interface contains properties of binding for an additional attribute that stores values in a specific language. | |
IRdsUniqueKey | The IRdsUniqueKey interface is used to work with unique key of MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsUniqueKeys | The IRdsUniqueKeys interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of unique keys of the MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsUniqueKeyAttribute | The IRdsUniqueKeyAttribute interface is used to work with an attribute of the MDM dictionary unique key. | |
IRdsUniqueKeyAttributes | The IRdsUniqueKeyAttributes interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of unique key attributes of the MDM dictionary. | |
IRdsUserAttributeBinding | The IRdsUserAttributeBinding interface contains properties of custom attributes binding. |
See also: