
Assembly: Rds;


The IRdsDictionaryElements interface contains properties and methods used to work with a collection of MDM dictionary elements.

Inheritance hierarchy



MDM dictionaries support element keys in the range 0-2 billion.


  Property name Brief description
Access The Access property returns a security label assigned for a specified element by chosen access attribute.
AccessStr The Access property returns a security label assigned for a specified element by chosen access attribute. It is used if access is distributed for more than 32 security subjects.
Attribute The Attribute property returns the name of the specified attribute for the set MDM dictionary element.
Child The Child property returns a key of an assigned child element for a specified element.
Children The Children property returns an array that contains keys of child elements for an assigned element.
ChildrenCount The ChildrenCount property returns number of child elements for assigned element.
Comment The Comment property is used to store custom information while module/form execution.
Count The Count property returns total number of elements in a tree of the MDM dictionary elements.
Data The Data property returns element data.
Dependents The Dependents property returns a collection of dependencies from a specified element.
Dictionary The Dictionary property returns data of the MDM dictionary.
Element The Element property returns an element key by index.
ElementIndex The ElementIndex property returns element index by key.
HasAccess The HasAccess property returns whether current user has access permissions.
History The History property returns a history of changes of values of a specified element.
Item The Item property returns an element of the MDM dictionary by index.
ItemElement The ItemElement property returns an element of the MDM dictionary by key.
Name The Name property returns the Name attribute value for the specified element.
Parent The Parent property returns a key of a parent element for a specified element.
Root The Root property returns a key of a basic element of a tree of the MDM dictionary elements.
RootItem The RootItem property returns properties of a basic element of a tree of the MDM dictionary elements.
Segment The Segment property determines a segment for the MDM dictionary element.


  Method name Brief description
Clear The Clear method clears all the MDM dictionary elements.
CreateData The CreateData method creates an object that contains MDM dictionary element data.
CreateElementData The CreateElementData method creates an object that contains data of the MDM dictionary element.
CreateSorter The CreateSorter method creates an object that sorts specified elements.
Delete The Delete method deletes a specified element.
Insert The Insert method inserts a new element.
Move The Move method moves two elements of the MDM dictionary.
MoveTo The MoveTo method moves MDM dictionary element into a specified position.
SetParent The SetParent method changes a parent element for a specified element.
Update The Update method updates element data.

See also:

Rds Assembly Interfaces